The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 401 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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I think FJ has been cycling for a while now...they wouldn't be putting people on it yet if not. So this could have been a normal breakdown, that any normal ride might experience. But since it's new the Engineers or OPs decided to keep it off so they could work it out. Maybe It was a problem you only encounter with actual people, so they figured they'd let it happen to TMs.

I don't think we should count it out just yet.
I agree with the Doc's assesment.

Can anyone tell me if they the TMs had to show their ID or something in order to get on the ride? Or since they should be the only ones backstage they assumed they TMs until someone opened their mouths?
so they took a picture from a part of the queue that universal already released?

that was lame

haha, EXACTLY my thoughts!
of all the cool stuff in there they went ahead and took a sneaky lil picture...

GREAT, if it wasnt for the fact that it's 98% the same as one of the official pictures released by universal!
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Sold packages starting on 5/28 only guaranteed breakfast at Three Broomsticks. The packages sold never guaranteed FJ would be running. Not trying to spew negativity, just facts. I too can't wait until 8/17. I did not enter the castle the night of the POW WOW event as I want to experience it all at once. It will be awesome, no doubt.
Has anyone takin into consideration that today was a planned SHUTDOWN of the ride. the team members workin on FJ have to practive evacuating people off of the ride cars so I am sure this was planned. I know when I was on the opening team of certain attractions we did this with cast members from other areas (put them on promising a preview only to have the ride oh so sorry break (meaning we purposely hit E-Stop) so we could practice getting them out safely)

Just some food for thought for those of you that are upset I wouldn't be. Just be prepared not to ride tomorrow -Sunday as I am sure the place will be packed and even though Uni has done a great job planning everything with FJ I am sure once it has cycled with thousands of people something can and will most likely happen. Its only Murpys law ya know
Yes Universal planned the whole breakdown today *nods* I like that reasoning because they obviously are not trying to have it ready for package holders that would just be crazy talk. So they got all these TMs to run in there only to disappoint them & screw with their excitement why didn't I think of that? (yup sarcasm folks it's flowing out of me)

So in a happy note we should enjoy spending out cash at the merch. shops & on food tomorrow which is better than nothing I guess?
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The theories around here are getting more and more ridiculous.

If Universal doesn't have this ride open for package holders tomorrow, what will the excuse be then?
I agree with the Doc's assesment.

Can anyone tell me if they the TMs had to show their ID or something in order to get on the ride? Or since they should be the only ones backstage they assumed they TMs until someone opened their mouths?

I was asked for my ID 4 times before I got back there
Has anyone takin into consideration that today was a planned SHUTDOWN of the ride. the team members workin on FJ have to practive evacuating people off of the ride cars so I am sure this was planned. I know when I was on the opening team of certain attractions we did this with cast members from other areas (put them on promising a preview only to have the ride oh so sorry break (meaning we purposely hit E-Stop) so we could practice getting them out safely)

I am going to agree, I think this was planned. The preview was announced on short notice, only was going to last 4 hours, and went down within 10 seconds. IMO they planned it for practice but did it in a way so that no one (including us) would have any information to spread to the world. And unfortunately from what it sounds like it worked. They got certification and practice for their employees and we got jack****. BTW this is my opinion, so dont counter with the negative thoughts or crap act your age, keep an open mind, and relax.
I'm not surprised if it's not working...Uni always at first have trouble with running rides, as shown by Jaws and Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket.