The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 600 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Are the stars really still there? I would think the reason it was opening so late for package holders is because the stars were there this morning at 9:30 for interviews. I would think the stars are off to lunch themselves by now.

When packages were beginning to be let in, the news sites were still tweeting with them live. The news stations in Orlando are doing all-day coverage live from the park today.
yup interview with the stars was in the morning and wrapped up thus why hotel is being in let in now instead of the morning

i guess they got the word to the guests somehow to show up now instead of the morning
Mugglenet said it wrapped up an hour ago via twitter.

After the press conference in the Three Broomsticks they all went outside, browsed through the shops and did more interviews inside the park. That came from several different news sites' Twitters.
Yea I'm sure they got the stars out of the quick fast and in a hurry.

Woohoo, page 800!:happy:
After seeing the photos of the crowds today, I'm scared to see what it will be like tommorow. Saying that, I still would love to be stuck in that crowd tommorow. :lol:
I'll cya over at Disney than !!! hahaha

Pshh, I wish I could go. Unfortunately, I currently live 3 hours away and have no way of convincing anyone in my family to come with me to Disney World xD... Alright, now :focus: ... I wonder what Disney will do to top Universal... Anyway, I can't wait to go to the WWoHP myself...
I wonder if some of the stars will stay to chat with the package people (and GP if they let GP in as well)

I cannot believe the opening is finally here! It's so incredible to see the end result and how far this project has come. We have been waiting for a LONG time! Tomorrow the WWoHP finally opens for good and all the digging for information, the speculation, the waiting, Potterwatch, it all ends... It's exciting that it's open, but also a bit sad that all this fun is coming to an end... I'm glad to have experienced it with all of you! It has been great fun! I can only hope for an expansion or future parks so we can have some more of this fun!
I guess they let them in today after the interviews, that's awesome.

--- Update ---

Who doesn't enjoy the hulk, come on I bet you guys still take a spin on it when you go =)