The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 611 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Probably be about the same over the weekend to be honest

It'll be pretty interesting to see how the crowds trend during the next few days. I guess the only thing I can look forward to is, I looked at the Weather channel and the entire week is scheduled for scattered thunderstorms, except for the day I'm visiting, where it'll be sunny :)
Kudos to you crazies who made it today. I'm hoping for a slight drop off in crazies by Tuesday when I'll be going back. I'm expecting awful, but am praying for not-super-god-awful. I'm just looking forward to another butterbeer - and OFFSEASON!
Teebin, I will be more than happy to join your tangents...
Tomorrow. I'm beat right now, heehee.

Let me also say, great reviews. Can't wait to post mine Tuesday!
Universal pumped through almost 19,000 people on FJ yesterday. Pretty amazing for it's first full day of cycling with guests.

It certainly is NOT HRRR as some have tried to suggest. Though the grand openign was horrific on Friday, the ride performance couldn't have been better, well unless it was perfect ;) LOL!

Rinacee..very nice review. I felt like I was there with you and could picture everything you talked about. Very nice.
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Universal pumped through almost 19,000 people on FJ yesterday. Pretty amazing for it's first full day of cycling with guests.

It certainly is NOT HRRR as some have tried to suggest.

Those are some extremely impressive first day numbers! Good work, Universal!

More on the lines today: "In line starting at 8 30 by the hulk "
From @RandiFTW

Line for ollivanders is 2hrs....ya no [HASHTAG]#WWOHP[/HASHTAG]

--- Update ---

Current wait times:

Blutos Barges = 5 mins.
Caro-Seuss-el = 5 mins.
Cat In The Hat = 5 mins.
Dooms Fearfall = 5 mins.
Dragon Challenge = 5 mins.
Forbidden Journey = 120 mins.
Hippogriff = 15 mins.
Incredible Hulk = 5 mins.
JP River Adv = 5 mins.
One Fish = 5 mins.
PITBULL = 21:00 (next show time)
Poseidons Fury = 30 mins.
Pteranodon Flyer = 10 mins.
Ripsaw Falls = 5 mins.
Seuss Show = 11:30 (next show time)
Seuss Trolley = 5 mins.
Sindbad Show = 12:00 (next show time)
Spider-Man = 15 mins.
Storm Force = 5 mins.

You know something is wrong when Pteranodon Flyers has a 10 minute wait!!

--- Update ---

From @leaky

3 hours for Ollivanders, 1 hour Dervish and Banges, 30mins hog's head
Universal pumped through almost 19,000 people on FJ yesterday. Pretty amazing for it's first full day of cycling with guests.

That is a very good number. What were they hoping for on this? 1800-2000 pph? I cannot recall if it only suffered two 20 minute breakdowns yesterday or was it more?

Though the grand openign was horrific on Friday

Hopefully they came up with a better plan for today. Do we know if they put through everyone that was in lines yesterday and did they keep the park open until 11pm?

I am somewhat concerned that they might run out of major merchandise soon. Especially the stuff manufactured overseas that requires a bit of lead time.
WOW! My children and I have had such an Exciting time at WWOHP! Thursday we had a special ticket to get in to the 12-3 pm soft opening where my youngest daughter was chosen for the wand experience! She was also filmed by 4 News channels, one of which was from Brazil! Someone back home said they saw her on the news! I don't know what tv stations were there at the time as I was so thrilled my daughter was selected.

A little bit later we were in Dervish and Banges under the broom sticks waiting for my son to find us. While standing there Orlando Channel 2 News interviewed my daughters. My youngest has no problem speaking up and telling everything ha! She told them about her, her brother and sister all celebrating their birthday in the WWOHP. They followed us around for a little bit but I think we were too excited and rushed from here to there too fast for them to keep up. I haven't found the video clip of this yet either.

We stood in line for Butter Beer which seemed like a long line at the time but it moved quickly. Each of us purchased the frozen butter in the collectible mug. When my youngest was getting her's two people from asked if they could take her pictures and ask her a few questions. She said "Sure! I don't mind at all." Her picture is up on their website at the link I just wrote. My eldest daughter is in the sunglasses smiling at her to her left and you can just barely see my son's green shirt to her right.

Yesterday we were in that super long line! I had to get three tired kids up at 5:30 AM but we didn't make it to the gate until 6:30 AM. There was a huge line of GP to get in and we thought that was our line as well. After a bit we realized there was a hotel guest line and jumped to that line. They opened the gates to us at 8 AM and in we Marvel to stand in the queue of the spiderman ride, then wound around to the inside of a building with theater seats and a large metal sphere, then through Toon Lagoon, down around the Olievoil boat, back up across the same bridge we already crossed, through Toon Lagoon to the gates of JP, through JP to the bridge, to the Lost Contenent then right into the WWOHP!!

The kids ran off to Zonkos and Huneydukes while I stood in line for Three Broomsticks. I entered the line at the Entrace of the WWOHP. While I was in line my son rode DC and thought it was awesome but preferes the blue one. My eldest daughter purchased her pigmy puff and they did the Naming ceremony which she loved. Her pigmy puff is called Doctor- the seventh son of a seventh son. She named him this so people would say "Doctor Who?" ha! She likes that show. My youngest purchased her pigmy puff yesterday but they didn't do the naming thing and she mentioned this after my eldest daughter purchased hers. So, the lady behind the counter made a big deal about my youngest's pigmy puff. That was totally sweet! They also told the girls it was a good thing they purchased their pigmy puffs today since they will not have any more until August. Yikes!

I didn't mind waiting in line for the Three Broomsticks since I was taking pictures of the store fronts and the crowds and trying to figure out the timing of the owl popping out of the owl post tower. I was having such a great time I couldn't tell you how long I waiting in line. We finally arrive inside the Three Broomsticks. Someone at the front door noticed my daughter's "Birthday Girl" pin and wished her happy birthday. Then a woman who works there shouted out "Happy Birthday!" Then she started singing.."Happy Birthday to you...I don't know it in French" and she started laughing. I think the said the thing about French because really restaurants and such are not allowed to sing the regular Happy Birthday song. We thanked her then order our food and were seated very near the Hogs Head! We were tickled to death about seeing him!

The food was delicious! Eldest daughter and I had the fish and chips while youngest daughter and my son had the chicken and ribs platters. Sooo much food we couldn't finish it all. I also ordered them each a trifoil (sp?) which is made of layers of cream, strawberries and chocolate muse. It was beautiful and delicious! I purchased the deserts so we would have something to put their birthday candles in. Each of them picked a candle from the selection I brought with me. I lit them and sang happy birthdy to them and some people around us joined in. I said "Make a Wish" and my son said "For what? We are IN the WWOHP AND at having our birthday IN Three Broomsticks! What more is there to wish for?" The employee posted next to our table wished the kids all happy birthday. She couldn't stop smiling which made me think she was thrilled to be working at 3 Broom sticks. My son asked her the name of the waitress who kept stopping by our table. The employee laughed and said "She's a manager...very, very high up." Oh Wow! This woman my son thought was a waitress was also the same woman who started to sing Happy Birthday them when we first came in the Three Broomsticks.

This very high up manager, Susann, came over just after we had finished singing Happy Birthday. She clapped and again wished the kids all Happy Birthday. Then she told us how exciteing it was for her - this was the very First Birthday in the Three Broomsticks! No wonder she was sooo excited about seeing the kids. She asked " I hope those deserts were given to you." I didn't mind paying for them so we said it was no big deal, they were Great! She rushed off and returned with a cash refund for the deserts. Even the kids said it was unnecessary. She insisted and the kids all thanked her. I let the kids add it to their spending money.

All day long people were wishing the kids happy birthday and the kids kept thanking me over and over and over again for bringing them to the WWOHP.

So many details I left out but I have to get ready to head back out to the parks. I hope everyone has as nice a time as we have had so far.

rinacee, thanks for the detailed review. I miss the soft openings but I'm not going near that place till things calm down. It gave me a little fix to read about your experience.
Wow! Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I'm kind of nervous about them not being able to keep the shelves filled, especially since you mentioned that they aren't getting any pigmy puffs until August.
That;s odd because the lines for rides were shut down at 10pm and around 10:20 they had TM's in front of the shops doors telling everyone they were closed, people inside were only finishing shopping since they were in before 10:20. Unless they opened them up for the people standing in the 2 hour FJ line, unlikely however.
I'm so happy you has a great time Colleendoll!!!
And Danielle, I think I saw you yesterday @ around 2 pm. I remember you said you were working at that time...I was in line for Ollivander's and I saw some employees coming in and out of their shifts near DC. If it was you, I think you were walking behind an employee who was being interviewed...

--- Update ---

BTW-I recognized your hair from your pics.