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The WWE Thread

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Man last nights RAW was great! Christian return was good, Punk back in that opening promo, and Lesnar's return was also pretty cool when he F5'd punk to end the show. However, that Henry promo was pure gold. I don't think I have EVER been that fooled by a WWE promo before. The whole time I was like: "Why is Henry's retirement speech used to put Cena over?" So when Henry gave him that Slam I was SO happy! But yeah, this was the first time in a while that watching three hours of RAW didn't feel like a chore.
Man last nights RAW was great! Christian return was good, Punk back in that opening promo, and Lesnar's return was also pretty cool when he F5'd punk to end the show. However, that Henry promo was pure gold. I don't think I have EVER been that fooled by a WWE promo before. The whole time I was like: "Why is Henry's retirement speech used to put Cena over?" So when Henry gave him that Slam I was SO happy! But yeah, this was the first time in a while that watching three hours of RAW didn't feel like a chore.

Yeah, other than Post-WM Raw, this was one of the best Raw's in a while. Christian, Daniel Bryan, and even William Regal all had a match. It's like they rewarded us for putting up with their crap for a long time.
Last night's RAW was pretty good! I'm not understanding all of these different stories their running with. Like Jericho seems to be tied up with Del Rio and Ziggler but all of a sudden he's facing Ryback at MITB?? And Punk is tied up with Lesnar but is in the MITB match? Im sure they have alterior motives but Im rather confused.
Last night's RAW was pretty good! I'm not understanding all of these different stories their running with. Like Jericho seems to be tied up with Del Rio and Ziggler but all of a sudden he's facing Ryback at MITB?? And Punk is tied up with Lesnar but is in the MITB match? Im sure they have alterior motives but Im rather confused.

Building up for Summerslam.
WWE quit wasting Money on Mark Henry, The Big show, The Great Khali and a lot of middle card jobbers. Spend some money and Get Austin Aries and AJ styles from TNA. The two most talented men in Wrestling. Of course most of you WWE fans enjoy seeing John Cena fight the same person OVER, and Over and Over...Orton screwed his career up with the roids and has been sent down to the middle of the road level sadly. he had so much talent...Also if you want a great new bad guy also get Samoa Joe.
WWE quit wasting Money on Mark Henry, The Big show, The Great Khali and a lot of middle card jobbers. Spend some money and Get Austin Aries and AJ styles from TNA. The two most talented men in Wrestling. Of course most of you WWE fans enjoy seeing John Cena fight the same person OVER, and Over and Over...Orton screwed his career up with the roids and has been sent down to the middle of the road level sadly. he had so much talent...Also if you want a great new bad guy also get Samoa Joe.

Why? They're getting a good influx of talent from NXT/developmental. The time for AJ Styles and Austin Aries and Samoa Joe was years ago. Just wait until The Shield is broken up and they get individual pushes..

Also, nobody enjoys seeing John Cena fight anyone. He's only been getting booed by half the crowd for 5+ years now. And I don't mind Mark Henry getting pushed as a monster heel; he's actually well suited to the role and even though he's not a great wrestler he does monster heel well and it's nice to see him getting a main event push for one of the very very very few times in his WWE career. And he's been around for a while.
Really you think there New guys are Talent? The only one with a chance is Curtis Axel, sorry the Shield is will be broke up and go nowhere. Who have they made into the Next Rock, Triple H, Cena, Shawn Michaels? The squander talent I mean really Ryback a cheap Goldberg imitation They don't develop talent anymore. Mark Henry can't wrestle he moves slower then Hulk Hogan and has the same moves gimmick for years, Sorry same matches over and over and over.
All 3 guys from The Shield will be great on there own. Ambrose is already a great heel. Seth Rollins ha potential to be a Jeff Hardy type babyface. Both guys are great in the ring too. Roman Reigns was the unknown guy when they debuted but I've seen multiple people say they see him as a future world champion.

AJ Styles probably could have went to WWE a few years ago, but at this point he's nowhere near as good as he used to be so he might as well stay in TNA. Same with Samoa Joe. TNA can keep those guys as far as I'm concerned. Daniel Bryan is better than anyone on there roster.
I do agree on the repetitiveness of WWE. They have no creativity whatsoever and Mark Henry is quite possibly the most boring man to watch, Cena just needs some personality.
I felt Raw has been better the past few weeks. I've actually enjoyed them for the most part. Pushing Daniel Bryan more is a big help too; I really want to see him get in the WWE title picture. I hope he wins MITB again.

And yes, I would say their new talent is good/decent. The TNA guys aren't the same as they were years ago when they were top talent.
I do like the rivalry that Bryan and Orton have been in but when did Orton fall into the steroids???

I just wish Sting would come over to WWE :lol:
Orton has been suspended a number of times and that was why he was removed from the title picture. Sting will ever come to WWE he doesn't need the money and he doesn't want to deal with the schedule. And TNA story line changed Bully Ray from Billy Ray and made him a fantastic heel, And there is no one in WWE with the talent of AJ style his matches with Kurt Angle (No doubt the greatest technical wrestler ever) have been fantastic. The matches that beer money and the motor city machine guns were classics. I will say this TNA can give the WWE Matt Morgan even he would be better to watch then Mark Henry lumbering around a ring.
^^That makes complete sense I always wondered where Orton had gone. And yeah I know Sting would never come he's just my favorite! TNA showed a lot of promise back when they got Anderson, Hardy, Hogan etc...but I havent watched it in a long time.
The Wyatt family finally debuts next week! I can't wait! I already bought the theme off of Amazon too :thumbs:
Raw is about a 10 minute train ride from me in 2 weeks. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to go.

I was tempted not to go next week but decided what the hell. The job evaluation thing made me want to return my tickets right after I bought them, but Wyatt Family is enough to make me want to go.