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The WWE Thread

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Interesting. I thought the WHC MITB match was better but each to their own. I have a feeling this years survivor series is gonna be extraordinary.
Just so happens that WWE will be in Orlando when I'm in town for HHN... and since we're there for a week, we figured it'd be worth the trip out to Amway Center to check it out.

I have seats in section 106.. when the Shield comes out they will probably come down the stairs right next to me. Awesome.

Wow that's awesome. The first Raw I ever went to when I was a kid, Edge and Christian came down right next to me.

Don't see Daniel Bryan winning on Sunday, I just can't wait until CM Punk gets involved in the feud, no way he sits back while all this goes on.
Wow that's awesome. The first Raw I ever went to when I was a kid, Edge and Christian came down right next to me.

Don't see Daniel Bryan winning on Sunday, I just can't wait until CM Punk gets involved in the feud, no way he sits back while all this goes on.

I haven't been paying attention lately, I just hope Daniel Bryan wins the belt at the PPV the night before the Raw I'm going to. :lol:
It's just been Bryan getting laid out every week since SummerSlam by Orton and The Shield. He finally got the upper hand and stood tall on Raw this past Monday, guaranteeing a loss at the PPV
Im ordering the PPV on Sunday because I got it for free from my friends since its my Bday on sunday. If it wasn't for that I probably would not have ordered it. Orton/Bryan and RVD/ADR loos good, but predictable. watching Royal rumble 2001 on youtube right now, such a brilliant PPV, two matches in and its amazing

E&C vs the dudleys: ****

Chris Benoit vs y2J: *****( its so amazing you need to check it out ASAP)
Anyone else kind of excited that HBK will be the ref for Orton/Bryan HIAC? Hoping this leads to HBK returning to the ring, against HHH maybe at mania?
Had a great time at Raw tonight at Amway Center. We were on TV whenever the camera would pan back.


Amway is a beautiful facility for sure.
Seems like we may be entering a slow period for WWE, at least until Royal Rumble. Not a fan of putting Big Show in the main storyline, especially in a WWE championship match on one of the biggest PPVs of the year. I can't believe there was no payoff for Daniel Bryan in the HHH/Orton feud. My guess is there putting him and Punk with the Wyatt's to give them something to do until the Rumble, where hopefully, one of them wins the match.

Also, Corporate Kane ftw
Cool ending to Raw tonight, finally. They teased Wyatt Family vs. Shield and it was awesome. Looks like at Survivor Series it's gonna be Wyatt's/Shield vs. Punk/Bryan/Usos/Rhodes and Goldust. That match alone could be worth the price of the PPV, because I could honestly care less about the 2 title matches. The tag match should close the PPV, because having Cena/Del Rio or Orton/Show close it would be a buzzkill.
Well I think we can start discussing Mania 30....I read a few rumors out there that certainly peaked my interest.

The first and most interesting one is obviously the Taker match. Rumors (and dreams) pose WWE pushing hard to bring in the man that Vince could never get...Sting. As a HUGE fan (I geeked out at TNA a few weeks ago) I would LOVE to see this match...More or less I would just love to see Sting. His contract is soon to be up before Mania and TNA is in a terrible state (they literally gave away tickets) so seeing him jump ship may be more and more possible. If Sting doesn't sign then a Lesnar/Taker match is to take place.

Goldberg was the other interesting rumor. We all know Ryback was a lame attempt at re-creating the role but it is said that a Goldberg/Ryback match is in the works. If no goldberg then a Show/Ryback match would take place.

Daniel Bryan was rumored to end up in a match against HBK. Whether this happens or not is wild speculation.

Goldust and Cody Rhodes are expected to turn on each other at some point.

Punk is assumed to be in the title picture...He was originally set to win the rumble and face orton but it seems that the winner of that match will face Cena. So we could see a punk/orton match (which correlates with recent occurences on RAW this past week with Punk/Authority)But another rumor points a Punk/HHH match to "regain" control of the company with CM Punk representing Vince MchMahon against the authority.

That's all I could remember. Thoughts? Comments?
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Undertaker and Sting are arguably my 2 favorite wrestlers of all time. My top 3 is a combo of Sting, Taker, and Steve Austin. So while Taker/Sting is a dream match, it's also 10 years too late. Sting is like 55, haven't watched TNA recently but Sting the past few years has wrestled in a t-shirt over his attire, so he's not in good shape. I just don't think it would be a good match. I think Taker will be fighting Lesnar or possibly Cena, depending what the title situation is.

Regarding CM Punk, I can only hope this leads to him winning The Royal Rumble match. I can kind of see the Authority doing something where they make Punk enter at #1 and he goes the distance and wins. This would lead to a match with Orton or Cena or maybe even a triple threat match. Either way, Punk has to win. This is WrestleMania 30, if you end another Mania with Cena standing tall people will go crazy. WrestleMania 20 ended with Benoit and Guerrero standing in the middle of the ring as champions, so they need to do something different here. Punk needs his signature Mania moment and this is it.
I agree with Sting. He's old...but so is taker. Keep in mind that Sting makes almost weekly appearances if not bi-weekly. Taker shows up once a ever year or so, soooo while it may not be a physically exciting match it would certainly provide a nerdgasm for a lot of fans. But I would love to see Lesnar take on Taker.

I realllly wanted to see the Rock take on Lesnar but seeing as to how the Rock is just a "show up when i want" superstar I dont think he'll be up for much.

I agree with Punk. He needs that final push as a face...and being a champion at Mania would certainly do it. Im tired of this face Cena schtick. He needs to go heel and get some attitude. Cena is honestly just boring.
I haven't really watched since I went to Raw a few weeks ago.. but if I had to bet I'd say Taker definitely faces Lesnar. Paul Heyman tries to get another one of his guys to end the streak.

Hopefully they do a storyline that culminates in Punk vs. HHH with Punk winning. I'd love to see either he or Daniel Bryan win the main event. They need to. For the love of God they need to.
I haven't really watched since I went to Raw a few weeks ago.. but if I had to bet I'd say Taker definitely faces Lesnar. Paul Heyman tries to get another one of his guys to end the streak.

Hopefully they do a storyline that culminates in Punk vs. HHH with Punk winning. I'd love to see either he or Daniel Bryan win the main event. They need to. For the love of God they need to.

I heard rumours that taker was going to be involved in the Wyatt family, with the comments about the other power being the undertaker behind the scenes. Would be fresh, but I can't imagine them making taker heel this late into his career.

I predict it now Triple H Vs Punk/Bryan (two vanilla midgets) in the main event at Wrestlemania with HHH's hands tied behind his back, Bryan/Punk will get a good 10-30 seconds offense and then triple h will bury them to become the new unified wwe champion.
Taker/wyatt would be a very interesting storyline to watch unfold. Id love to see the shiels break off soon. My dad and I think roman raines could make a fantastic champion.
Taker/wyatt would be a very interesting storyline to watch unfold.

I agree, I find Bray Wyatt phenomenal, heck how many guys getting close to 300lb can do a full back bend as he did once?
Apparently Undertaker got really injured during the smackdown show after Wrestlemania.