Guess they figured they didn't have a strong enough ending with Brock not being there. Stephanie being in a match is kind of a big deal so it worked in a way. Never thought it'd be against Brie but since she's married to Bryan it makes sense also.
Summerslam is shaping up to be a solid show. Hopefully Rollins/Ambrose gets a no DQ stipulation. Looking forward to that one a lot. Reigns/Orton will be the first big test for Roman to see if he can have a good match with a main eventer. Hopefully Brie/Stephanie is short and sweet and doesn't drag on to long. Wyatt/Jericho hopefully is better than the Battleground match, had some botches. Seems like everyone was off there game during that show. Botches everywhere.
Brock/Cena. I watched there Extreme Rules 2012 match a few days ago, whole match is Brock beating the crap out of Cena then he hits him with chain, AA on steps and that's it. Doubt they'll make it a street fight like last time so hopefully it's better than the Undertaker match. The match last year with CM Punk was fantastic but it was also a street fight. And it goes without saying that Brock needs to win the match. I don't know how it's gonna work though because supposedly he'd hold the belt until Wrestlemania. Not sure how that'd work with his part time schedule. Just wish he could commit for 6 months and have a real run. But he is the conquerer of the streak so no excuse for him losing his first match after. But if Cena wins...I will come here and complain about it! Haha