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The WWE Thread

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So being curious last night after Raw, when Rollins walked out of the cage instead of what I would assume would be an "easy" pin, I googled Cena's W/L record from the past 2 years.

He only lost 6 times in 2013, 3 being at PPV's. But he was only pinned once, at Summerslam in 2013; however, the loss was an excuse to have time off for a tricep injury. His first match back after time-off? He won the title back at Hell in a Cell.

In PPV's for the past 2 years, he's only been pinned "cleanly" twice. Both at Summerslam.

Guess how many times he's lost on Raw this year? Twice. And he wasn't pinned either time (including the match last night). Most of his matches end up as a victory by DQ.

So WWE... what ever could be the problem of attracting people for the WWE Network?

Everything you just stated is what makes me shake my head (and my fists) at the overall cluelesness that WWE has. I honestly see the connection between Cena and Hogan before he made his heel turn. Hogan was super popular and always over with the crowds but then his "say your prayers and eat your vitamins" schtick got old and tired. They then pulled the move that rejuvenated his career. Will they do it with Cena? Probably not.

Ive only been able to watch two RAW shows since August and one was last night and a few weeks ago. Both times Ive lost complete interest in the undercard developments and even in the main event cards. The only reason I was interested in Survivor Series was bc of Sting and a possible Orton return. The only reason I was interested in TLC was ziggler and an Orton return (did WWE kill him off?). Other than that the current WWE product sucks.

I re-watched the announcement video that ushered in the Attitude Era and while I am by no means saying they should revive it, McMahon needs to eat his own words.

Im honestly tired of having my intelligence insulted.
It was a disaster. I didn't think they could possibly make the same mistake 2 years in a row. With the rumors of the Rock showing up, I figured he was a lock to win it after Bryan got eliminated. Setting up Rock/Brock. Once it became apparent Rock was not entering, I fgured we'd get a swerve with the other top favorites Ambrose or Ziggler winning. Nope lol. This was more forced then last year. I like Reigns but he is not the guy to carry the company. When [HASHTAG]#CancelWWENetwork[/HASHTAG] is trending for 15 hours, they should be embarrassed they put there egos in front of what the "WWE Universe" wants to see. Great to see Bubba Ray Dudley back, but where was D-Von!?

And the triple threat match was unbelievable. Props to all three guys. Especially Seth Rollins
Not only was it trending, but the "Cancel" page was down due to high volume traffic.

Rumor is they lost 270K subscribers after last night.
I'm not canceling it, still a good thing to have, regardless of last nights outcome. My only issue with it is that after almost a year now, there shouldn't be any lagging/freezing/skipping/visual quality going down etc. Was acting up all night but thankfully settled down for the last few matches. That makes me want to unsubscribe more than anything.
I'm not canceling it, still a good thing to have, regardless of last nights outcome. My only issue with it is that after almost a year now, there shouldn't be any lagging/freezing/skipping/visual quality going down etc. Was acting up all night but thankfully settled down for the last few matches. That makes me want to unsubscribe more than anything.

That was my main peeve with last night as well. I've sat through countless PPVs lately where there's not one good match. At least the Rumble had 1 great match. It was just pretty obnoxious to have to keep refreshing at certain points. I used to steal streams that were better than that.
If they go through with this main event as is it might be even more anticlimactic than it was at 29 for Rock/Cena 2. They also had a Daniel Bryan on Raw basically just sell the idea to everyone watching why him vs Brock is the perfect David vs Goliath comeback story. But instead we will get the unstoppable monster Lesnar go down to a superman punch and spear :bang:
Triple threat was amazing indeed, heck even Cena was better than usual ... as for the Rumble itself, began good, cool to see Bubba back, Bray Wyatt was great but it went downhill when Bryan was eliminated and then Reigns winning ... I don't think I ever heard that many boos. Cena had way more boos than usual as well and the crowd had an interesting 'remix' of his song. Anyway, if they are smart enough they'll realize Reins vs Lesnar will be a failure, I just cannot see Reigns overcoming Lesnar in a believable way. I am hoping they do something and make it a triple threat to include Daniel Bryan ... I do like the potential Wrestlemania matches of HHH vs Sting and Undertaker vs Wyatt.
Funny thing with Reins is that the more they polish and groom him, the worse he gets. They should just have him as a quiet mercenary, he works much better as a heel ...
I also wish they'd give Damien Sandow a serious chance.
Some great hearing people are saying that during last night's Reigns interview, you can hear someone off-screen feeding Roman his lines.
Bryans interview was awesome with his shots at Roman "I wasn't fed an opportunity" and "I don't have the Rock to protect me"

Something smells like they're setting up Bryan to challenge the authority for an opportunity since he never "lost" the belt.
Some great hearing people are saying that during last night's Reigns interview, you can hear someone off-screen feeding Roman his lines.

It's shocking how bad they want him to be the guy when he just isn't ready or have the fan support. Let him get some singles wins under his belt, throw a midcard title in there then try it next year. But they were just so hellbent on hotshotting him right away. Yet you got guys like Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, and Dolph Ziggler who the crowd is 100% behind, all with legit cases to win. But Vince is too stubborn.

The interview last night was actually good, whether he was being fed lines or not. It was a step in the right direction, where Roman isn't trying to be funny. Just quiet and about his business. But I can't get excited for the match because we already know the outcome. Lesnar who has been booked to be unstoppable will fall to a spear. Heyman turning on Brock to go with Reigns or Rollins cashing in is the only way to save face for the match.
Fastlane is actually looking very promising to me. I have not been able to watch RAW these past few months but having seen clips of the main issues between Trips, Sting and then Reigns and Bryan, Im thinking this could turn out better than we expected. Color me very interested.

And heck, the undercard doesn't even look that bad.
Hopefully it's a good show. Just a filler show until Wrestlemania. Looks like it's gonna be Reigns/Bryan/Lesnar so I'm sure the Reigns/Bryan match will have some kind of screwy finish. I just wanna see Sting wreak havoc with the bat!
Seeing as to how WWE's main scapegoat for storylines is screwy finishes I can't disagree there. Im so beyond ready to see Sting rip up the ring!
I'm almost more interested in Raw the night after Fast Lane. You figure with Wrestlemania season kicking into high gear that we'll see Undertaker return to start the presumed feud with Bray Wyatt. These promos he's been cutting leads you to believe they're gonna go forward with the match. Interested to see how Taker looks. Randy Orton should be back too, there's been at least 5 times I thought he'd return but didn't, so who knows.
In response to you both I also saw that taker may show up tomorrow night, or at least soon! Ive also been hacked at the fact that Orton still hasn't made his return when, as you said Yank, they've had more than ample amount of opportunities to bring him back. Frustrating but hopefully he'll return tonight!!
I'm almost more interested in Raw the night after Fast Lane. You figure with Wrestlemania season kicking into high gear that we'll see Undertaker return to start the presumed feud with Bray Wyatt. These promos he's been cutting leads you to believe they're gonna go forward with the match. Interested to see how Taker looks. Randy Orton should be back too, there's been at least 5 times I thought he'd return but didn't, so who knows.

Taker doesn't look 80 years old anymore so he might be coming back:
I really thought they would do a triple threat. Now Bryan will be in some meaningless match against someone like Sheamus or Ziggler. Good match with Roman and Bryan....but I still can't buy him as a threat to Lesnar. I think something will happen that leads to Seth Rollins cashing in MITB.