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The WWE Thread

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Loved the event!
As for Reigns, found him much better yesterday than before, though I still would have preferred a triple threat for the title. I just can't see Reign believably defeating Lesnar, unless of course he won't ... there is still a possibility, I think, that Lersnar will re-sign with WWE; if not, then I hoper Lesnar wins and they have Rollins cash in. Apart from him usually having the advantage of interference, I always find Rollins to be very believable, definitely looking forward to the feud between he and Orton.
And tonight Undertaker should show ... let us hope that for a change we can have a good ppv followed by a good raw, seems to never happen lol.
I found the event to be meh. Didn't hate it, didn't love it. Reigns did look good last night, but I still think Lesnar should keep the title regardless if he stays or not. I think with all he's done for the past 2 years, to have him leave the WWE on top with the story that he's leaving and retiring as champ because he's accomplished all he can would be a lot better then just giving the title to Reigns who still doesn't look ready. Rusev v Cena was good, but hopefully the WM match doesn't see Cena be the one to end the streak. Ambrose v Barrett? WTF was that finish. The Sting and HHH segment was.. OK. If it wasn't for nostalgia and the "OMG the WM match is becoming official", it'd be forgettable.
All last night did was convince me that Lesnar/Bryan is the best match available to them.

Meh, I cancelled my free preview subscription right after the show. nothing at Mania is remotely interesting this year
Roman needs his cousin (the rock), Bryan (the most over face) and Heyman (The best on the mic) to make this guy believable and over as the top guy...and it still seems forced. So lame. Bryan still gets last billing on mainevent at RAW....Bryan still gets the finisher and pin on makes me feel theres something more coming. No way Bryan just admits he sucks and isnt good enough. thats ridiculous.
Yeah, Heyman had to be cringing inside when cutting that promo. I got a feeling the smarky Mania crowd is gonna destroy the match. The stuff they're doing with Orton is dumb....just gonna turn on the Authority....again. Why not just have him going against them during the whole build to Mania? He came out last night wanting to kill Rollins now he's shaking his hand, helping him up, etc. Dumb, gotta wonder who writes this stuff
Lol ... I was thinking the same thing about Reigns ... they are very desperate trying to get him over. I'm also hoping that Bryan will still find his way in the main event.

Am really afraid they are going to have Rusev be defeated by Cena at Wrestlemania. The commentary yesterday was the dumbest: Cena did not submit ... so passing out is not worse than submitting?

As for Orton ... I am not so sure if thew writing is bad ... actually, the way Raw ended made it quite intriguing. I also like how Stephanie said Orton is a heel not a crowd pleaser, so it is kind of nice it is not one of those straight forward turns.
The last few weeks havent felt like a road to Wrestlemania. Hard when the 3 biggest matches are being built by 1 guy. I can see the Undertaker not being there working, and rumors are that he won't return until Wrestlemania itself. That works because it adds to the mystery of if he'll show up or not and what does he look like. Thats what they did for Mania XX and it worked

With Sting vs. Triple H and Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar, so far it's been HHH and Heyman building the matches themselves. I read Sting is signed for 6 appearances including Wrestlemania. So that leaves 2 episodes of Raw left. You figure that will be the final 2 Raws before Mania. Fine. But I wish they could have got him for a few more appearances to stalk the Authority and what not.

Who knows what Lesnars situation is after the argument with Vince last week. But if I have to sit through another Heyman promo trying to sell Reigns as the best thing in the history of the universe, I'll lose my mind. 3 more Raws until Mania and the match has absolutley no build. I thought they had something going the night after Rumble when Reigns and Lesnar had that backstage promo. I enjoyed that, and that was the night after when the backlash on Reigns was still strong. Not expecting Brock next week so he'll be another one that's just there for the final 2 Raws, if that.

Hopefully it picks up the next few weeks so I can get excited for the event. And can anyone explain why Daniel Bryan is in some random ladder match for the Intercontinental title!?
Have to say WWE seems to have lost its way of late.

I know the need to bring new talent through but having a champion that is hardly on the show and the biggest draw for wrestlemania is a guy that is signed up to 6 appearances?

They create good little groups the wyatts and the shield and then split them up into nothing. HHH should get some writers in as his authority story line is weans very very thin. In my opinion
I think Lesnar really works, his limited days add to the character, he is just an arrogant prize fighter who does not care. I agree that WWE creative is in the slumps though. I am glad Wyatt went solo, he needed this, but the way they dealt with Harper and Rowan is just nonsensical. Cena's character is getting worse and worse, I mean I get that they want Cena to be this hero for kids and that he sells a lot of merchandise, but most of the time he comes over as an arrogant douchebag. The Divas division ... this is total crap thanks to creative, one only needs to look at NXT to see how great it could be. In tag teams, I like the Ascension, but why do they need to use them in such a comic book way? They are great wrestlers, and though I am not against the wasteland gimmick, I am against the cardboard execution. Damien Sandow ... get this guy solo, he is a great wrestler, this guy should be pushed as a midcarder not used as comic relief, same with Adam Rose, decent wrestler but wasted by creative. And then there is Daniel Bryan, one of the most gifted technical wrestlers and hugely popular ...

Vince says he listens to the people, I think he must have a head full of his own people I guess ...

That said, I do like the authority storylines, but then, this is largerly due to HHH, I have always loved him and he manages to pull things off, I also like Rollins a lot ... they need to get something beyond Big Show and Kane though ...
Even though its obviously fake, I thought it actually sounded pretty good. I never understood the hate for Reigns.

Cena 2.0 with limited moves, still green in the ring, terrible on the mic, and getting pushed to the moon with everyone bending over backwards to put him over, and he's still not getting much of a crowd reaction. It feels like he's being handed everything and many are rejecting it. Also because Daniel Bryan is getting pushed aside when he is clearly still over as hell.

It's like The Rock when he first debuted before he went heel after people were chanting "Die Rocky Die." People saw right through that crap character, he turned heel and turned into The Rock, which worked out in the end. It felt like he earned his way to the top. This is like pushing the super babyface Rocky Mavia to the WM main event when everyone still hates him. Ever since Shield broke up he was just pushed straight to the moon, especially after he came back from his injury. Didn't battle in the mid-card and work his way up at all, while Bryan came back from injury and was shoved down the card when he never really should have lost his spot.

I really want to like Reigns. I do. Even some of the stuff online where he speaks after the show and seems more natural, I like that. But on TV right now he's just awful and the lines he's given are awful. They haven't even had him and Lesnar together until next week. It feels like they're really forcing it to make Reigns work. :mad:

At least that's some of it. :lol:
I will admit that I stopped watching after WCW folded. So I'm more of an old school fan, especially of the NWA days in the 80's. But having Sting show up at WWE has got my attention again, even if he's too old now to make it work properly. I wasn't around for the Cena days. So I'm coming in from an outsiders point of view and I think Roman Reins is outstanding. I don't understand why he has to earn his stripes when for years wrestlers have gotten over without earning their stripes. Heck, old school Undertaker is my favorite wrestler of all time, and he came in right away and was unstoppable, even beating Hogan for the title soon after entering WWF (about a year or so). What bugs me the most about today's wrestling is how the fans at events can ruin an outstanding match. The matches today are incredible compared to the old days. It seems the fans at events of today want to find something to hate because its "cool" to hate something. :lol:
They've neutered the product. Whereas the wrestlers may be more physically gifted and athletic compared to earlier years, there's a lot of stuff they cannot do due to the WWE's fear of injury.

As far as Undertaker - he defeated countless wrestlers, including some big names until he won the title at Survivor Series. The crowds ate up his gimmick. Even still, he held the title for a week or so and didn't win it again until 1997. Reigns hasn't done anything that stands out as a singles guy until a pretty good match against Bryan at Fastlane. They've set up Brock to be a monster. Killing the streak, destroying THE WWE's guy Cena, beating HHH, Punk, etc. Having someone who's not there yet as far as wrestling terms isn't exactly "believable". :lol:

Rumor has it that the WWE is now regretting sticking with Reigns. Don't be surprised if the Brock deal is done quietly to keep the surprise going into the match, and he retains.
Apparently HHH is really pushing for Lesnar to retain the title, I sure hope he will retain and re-sign with WWE; Lesnar should remain champion and then have him against Bryan at Summerslam and have Bryan win it.

The problem with Reigns is the way he is being pushed and how everything they do to make him bigger just fails miserably. They gave him acting and speech lessons but I find it has only made things worse, and they push him with a very limited moveset, everything is about the spear and the superman punch, I find that someone like Reigns should be build with a strong moveset using a lot of powerbombs etc. Reigns was just much better when he was in the Shield, they should just redo his character and have as a solo shield kind of thing, a quiet mercenary guy, even if they really are determined to have him as a face, have as someone similar to how Sting was in WCW.

Anyway, am most looking forward to Wyatt vs Undertaker, then Rollins vs Orton ...
Also with the Reigns push, if you polled everyone on who there favorite member of the Shield was, he'd get the least amount of votes by far. I liked him in the Shield, he played the powerhouse well. But give me Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins every day over him. And I think a majority feels the same way. Nothing against Reigns, it's just that we as fans rather see the other in top spots as they have earned it in my opinion. Ambrose was the most over guy on the roster in the fall when Reigns and Bryan were out with injuries. He still is actually. I was at the house show at MSG a few weeks ago and there was definitely more people in Ambrose shirts then Reigns. So it's a shame to see the likes of him and Daniel Bryan in some thrown together ladder match. But the match will undoubtedly steal the show. So I am looking forward to the match.

With all the speculation about Brock's situation, now you're hearing that he could retain and that's why top stars like Cena and Bryan could walk out of Mania with the US and IC titles, to bring more legitimacy and star power to them while Brock is the world champion on a part time basis still. I wouldn't be opposed to that, I'm all for bringing those titles back to prominence. They've been nothing but props for the last 10 or so years. Also because I'm hoping they're finally seeing that Reigns comes out to crickets every night and is probably not even in the top 5 of overness right now.

And with the Undertaker, I was only a baby when he debuted but looking back you can see how he was booked and it was actually believable he could beat Hulk Hogan. They've done nothing to convince me Roman Reigns is the one that could and should defeat Brock Lesnar.
Since I'm snowed in tonight in NY I decided to go back and watch the best WrestleMania of all time on the WWE Network, WrestleMania 17. Austin/Rock and TLC II are 2 of my favorite matches of all time. But another one of my favorites is the Undertaker/Triple H match. I remember being so scared Taker would lose the match, and as a kid I HATED Triple H. Just a classic brawl. Even the entrances are amazing. HHH comes out to Motörhead live and Taker comes speeding down the ramp to Limp Bizkit. Chills. Reminds me why I love wrestling so much even during this lackluster Road to Wrestlemania.