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The WWE Thread

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It would seem that the Royal Rumble will be taking place at the Amway Center on Sunday, January 24th. Mark your calendars!
Raw has been painful to watch since Wrestlemania but tonight finally had some good stuff. Great match between Ambrose and Rollins. Finally looks like Ambrose will be getting pushed. Probably most over guy on the roster. And Sami Zayn vs. Cena. Good way to introduce Zayn to show he can hang with the top guy. Was hoping he'd win but obviously he wasn't. Especially not 2 weeks before his big title match on NXT against Kevin Owens. I can see him losing to Owens and finally come up to the roster full time after that.
Agree with all of that apart from I want Cena to stay champion :look:

Raw has been shocking as of late. Obviously they have given Brock time off. But hopefully he will be back soon. In my last post on this thread I wasn't much of a fan. But the build up and then mania turned me into a big fan of his. Then what do they do? Yep take the title from him. Guess it's because it's the smaller ppv season. Hope they don't rush everyone from NxT through as that's one of the best shows to watch at the moment.
Yes, is has been meh since 'Mania. Was hoping they'd give Wyatt a better feud than Ryback.
Neville is working out great, hopefully this will be true for Zayn as well.
They just seem to be getting so much competition all at once. I hope it doesn't go to waste. Would like to see Ziggler more as well.
Wyatt has so much potential for WWE to make him a huge star. Drop the turning out the lights and him just appearing and have him enter with his lamp. It's creepy anyway. Hopefully we can see some improvement to Raw once HHH is back from his break. How good will it be when Brock comes back!!
They just seem to be getting so much competition all at once. I hope it doesn't go to waste. Would like to see Ziggler more as well.
Wyatt has so much potential for WWE to make him a huge star. Drop the turning out the lights and him just appearing and have him enter with his lamp. It's creepy anyway. Hopefully we can see some improvement to Raw once HHH is back from his break. How good will it be when Brock comes back!!

Yeah, it is amazing how much drawing power HHH has; he and Steph are just so good at whatever they do.
They have a lot of great wrestlers and more to come soon like Finn Balor, now all we need is an improvement in the creative/production theme.
Money in the bank had to be the best show since mania for me.

Some decent results with WWE keeping everyone's options open to continue feuds. The Wyatt one was a good for money in the bank. Genuinely didn't see the Seamus money in the bank win
Seth Rollins got a one way ticket to Suplex City. I figured this match would be saved for Summerslam. I'm guessing the main event for that will be some combo of Lesnar/Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose. Sheamus is a wild card because he's Mr. Money in the Bank but I can't buy him as a threat to the title right now.

Also, Kevin Owens is awesome
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Rollins vs Ambrose at MITB was an awesome match. Really looking forward to Lesnar vs Rollins, Rollins is just really good at everything he does, the look he had when Lesnar entered said it all.
Being a huge Wyatt fan, I am hoping his feud with Reigns will be good.
Hopefully Owens will will the title from Cena, either that or Cena retains because Owens gets disqualified, I just hope this does not go the same route as the feud between Cena and Russev.
Also hoping it won't be too long before Finn Balor gets a main roster call up.
Thought I'd revive this. What did everyone think of the weekend of shows in Brooklyn? Ironically, I was in Universal so I didn't really get to see it all. Had I not I would have attempted to go to one of the shows. I posted up in the lobby and caught the last hour and a half of Summerslam.

I came home and re watched the Cena/Rollins match and it just enforced Rollins being the best wrestler in the world right now. Some of the stuff he pulls off is insane. Taker/Brock was good, but I don't get what they're doing with Undertaker. Making him use cheap tactics, tapping out. Clearly it's his final run so it's weird this is how they're using him in his final appearances. I guess you can officially put the rematch in for 32.

Sting coming back to face Rollins for the title is awesome. I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't see him winning the title but I also can't see him going 0-2 in WWE. Maybe he wins and Sheamus cashes in? Sting really should have went over HHH. Dumb decision that was
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I fully agree, Rollins is amazing, in every way really, great wrestler and great entertainer. He has a great move set as well, very agile and is not afraid of risks either. During the days of the Shield they sometimes had this: who is the weak link, well ... Rollins definitely was the strongest part and Reigns who was always the power house, the man is not bad, but he is not that great either. Anyway, Rollins never ceases to amaze me.

Undertaker did pretty well, a tad wobbly but not too much. Whatever he did to get in shape for the match worked. Lesnar was awesome as always. Ending was weird, but I understand it, they did not want either one of them to lose and wanted something to set up their final WM match. I would have preferred a mutual count out though.

Really hoping Rollins beats both Cena and Sting at NoC :)

And of course, I always love Bray Wyatt!
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Takeover: Brooklyn was incredible. Awesome tag match, Apollo Crews looks like a great addition, and the best women's match I've ever seen.

SummerSlam was a freaking trainwreck. Why can't any match in WWE just end cleanly? Why does everything have to have interference or something of the like? Man it's irritating.

Then last night they have Sting cut a promo putting HHH over, and continue to waste 4 of the most talented women to ever grace the company. Ugh.

Thank god we have NXT, because WWE is just worthless
Yeah, the difference between NXT's women's division and WWE's divas is nauseating, but the name of the division says it all: womens vs divas.

I liked Summerslam, though not the ending of the Rollins/Cena match.

I am liking the New Day more and more. When they first began I disliked them, then they turned heel and made the gimmick their own and man does it work.
WWE has a penchant for destroying good things, senior producers seem like major control freaks who only push who they want to push. And if Vince doesn't like you ... forget it. Look at Damien Sandow, that guy really is a good wrestler, reminiscent of William Regal, but he got buried.
Yesterday, as I watched Braun Strowman (I watched just to see his debut) I thought: how long before he is fed to Cena? At least Owens has a good feud with Cesaro now, but Russev is stuck in that Ziggler thing.