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The WWE Thread

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Tonight in this very ring we will have Sting against ... wait for it wait for it wait for it: the Big Show ... Lol

Charlote wins ... ah wait a minute, no she doesn't ... Vince is smiling probably: "In your face Punk and AJ"

Owens dissing the Secret, now that was priceless!
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Long shot and a bit late in the day, anyone know any bars near Universal/Sea World showing Night of Champions?
So is anyone going to the Rumble this weekend at the Amway?

I was skeptical of going at first, but they've made the product somewhat interesting as of late. Although I think if Roman wins the whole thing after going in #1, it will backfire in their face.

The ideal situation for them is to have someone else capture the belt with HHH costing Reigns at some point during the Rumble, setting up a Fastlane or WM match. Hopefully that feud can lead to end of Authority. The "bad guy boss" is getting stale now.
What's it like to go in person? I mean, except for the expensive seats I imagine you wouldn't really see that much.

What I'm afraid of is that from here on it'll be "Lol, Roman wins". Also, they need to minimize Roman cutting promos.
I'm hoping the Rumble will lead to Reigns vs HHH. Most likely HHH will interfere in the Rumble. I heard a rumor that after the Rumble it will be clear what the program for Fastlane will be, I assume this means a screwy ending, so Fastlane will be what determines Wrestlemania. Only thing is, that if they do HHH vs Reigns at Fastlane, then who would he fight at Wrestlemania. Lesnar again perhaps, but I'm hoping they'll instead go ahead with the Wyatt - Lesnar feud, heard this might actually be a Wrestlemania match.
What's it like to go in person? I mean, except for the expensive seats I imagine you wouldn't really see that much.

What I'm afraid of is that from here on it'll be "Lol, Roman wins". Also, they need to minimize Roman cutting promos.
I'm hoping the Rumble will lead to Reigns vs HHH. Most likely HHH will interfere in the Rumble. I heard a rumor that after the Rumble it will be clear what the program for Fastlane will be, I assume this means a screwy ending, so Fastlane will be what determines Wrestlemania. Only thing is, that if they do HHH vs Reigns at Fastlane, then who would he fight at Wrestlemania. Lesnar again perhaps, but I'm hoping they'll instead go ahead with the Wyatt - Lesnar feud, heard this might actually be a Wrestlemania match.

I haven't been in person in a good 16 years. @Drew will have a better, more recent opinion on it. All I know is this is my "simulated" view for this Sunday:

Please post some pictures if you can. Those are great seats. I envy you. I also agree they are ruining the whole thing with this Roman Reins vs. the World storyline. What makes the rumble great is the uncertainty and not knowing what's going to happen. With them already saying Reins is #1 spot, we can already predict what's going to happen. He certainly will make it to the final 3 at least. Takes all the drama out of it. He finally got OVER, and now with this there's a chance he could get boos again.
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I hope the Reigns/HHH match is either done at Fastlane or at Mania in a non title match. No interest in seeing that main event Mania for the title. I really don't know where they go with it.

I think Brock needs to be in a higher profile match than with Wyatt. Especially with all injuries. Biggest question is who will face Taker? I firmly believe it was gonna be him vs Cena in Takers last match. Right now there is no one even worthy of being Undertakers last opponent
Pretty good Rumble this year. At least it wasn't totally predictable like the past 2 years. Really thought Ambrose was gonna pull it off. That should be the guy for WWE. Crowd was electric when Dean/HHH faced off. The fans just don't care about Roman. Not interested in that match for Mania, not even potential Rock involvement can get me interested.

Cool to see AJ Styles debut. I've always enjoyed his work. I never watched TNA on a regular basis like I do WWE, but when I did he was always my favorite to watch. Ironic he debuted in Orlando where it was filmed for all those years. Checked out some of his work in New Japan, which some say was the best of his career. His match against Nakumara (who is also WWE bound) from earlier this month was fantastic. Check it out.
I agree, liked the Rumble a lot, was pretty solid, just think Jericho was in there for way too long.

I'm a huge Wyatt fan, so looking forward to him versus Lesnar. Will be interesting because they are so different.
I actually really liked Shane's return. Seems like they'll finally have a way to end the Authority.

Meh.... We don't know if he's part time or not.

Also, we all know Undertaker is on his last Wrestlemania (maybe one more). You really think his record is gonna be 21-2 with 1 of those losses coming to Shane? :lol:

I'm sure this is a placeholder to see if Cena can come back as the deal was never clarified to have Shane wrestle, but the better match (@Drew idea) would have been Shane Vs HHH for control, and Taker vs Reigns.
Yeah I don't really know what to think. The match, if it happens as is, will be insane with the spots and potential interferences. But if it is a placeholder for Cena, I can't see it being a hell in a cell match. But they've already advertised a cell match so they have to deliver one. But at least WWE showed they still have some tricks up their sleeve to get us hyped for Mania after that trainwreck Fastlane PPV

Really intrigued by Lesnar/Ambrose. I think they can have a good brutal match like the one Brock had with Punk at Summerslam a few years ago. Much more interesting than Lesnar/Wyatt. Had a feeling the plug would be pulled on that one once the Wyatt's lost to Kane/Show/Ryback
First off, I think the Shane wants "control of Raw" was poor phrasing and as we move forward the stakes will be promoted as "if Shane wins he gains control of the WWE". I don't think it literally meant "just Raw" and it isn't leading to some big brand extension/split like some people want to believe.

I fully expect a swerve in the Title match. Roman winning gold is way too obvious, and now that he is a 2-time Champion (terrible decision, BTW) it makes winning it again at WrestleMania less meaningful. I think even WWE is coming to realize that it is much too obvious and has plans to swerve us. Even without a 'Money in the Bank' option this year, there can still be a swerve. Which is where Shane comes in...

Shane will win and gain control of the company thanks to outside interference (Sting? Cena? Austin?). Awesome! See you on Raw tomorrow, Shane?

Not quite.

After this seed is in place, there is very little doubt in my mind that Shane will be involved in the HHH/Roman fight either by:

A.) Triple H retains through unscrupulous means/Dusty finish, and Shane -- new man in charge as of earlier in the night -- comes out to restart the match

or, even better...

B.) HHH has his amazing WrestleMania entrance. Roman comes out and gets his 100,000 boos. The two stare down in the ring during the Championship introductions, and then, before the bell can ring... "Here comes the monaaaaaay." Shane comes out, acknowledges that Triple H is only half responsible for the terrible product as of late, but Roman has consistently been in the title picture through the record low ratings (which Shane already referenced this week on Raw) and Roman isn't who the people want. Which is why this WWE Championship match, HIS WrestleMania main event... is now a Triple Threat match.

Cue Fandango's music!

(Or if Seth Rollins is healthy, then he would work too, I suppose.)
No doubt that Reigns is walking out with the belt. I think this might be the last time we see Triple H on screen for a while, if Shane does indeed take over. I don't know how you do it but it's gotta end with some kind of swerve instead of just taking a beating then hitting a spear outta nowhere and winning. Knowing WWE they'll have HHH hit 5 pedigrees in a row only for Roman to kick out and hit a SUPERMAN PUNCH!!! then SPEAR!!! **Michael Cole voice** as the crowd boos relentlessly.

Would like to see Reigns turn heel either at Mania or Raw the next night. They might not have a choice. He can hold the belt until Rollins is ready to come back and there's your Summerslam main event. Seth needs to be the top babyface. He can be huge
It's rumored Shane won't stick around, still that does not mean anything since they can have him appoint a General Manager. Can you imagine if Daniel Bryan was to fill that function?
Sadly I also think Reigns will win, sickens me how much they push him, when it is clearly people don't care that much for him. Didn't see RAW 'till the end, but heard a lot of people where cheering for HHH. Ending of Fastlane was a joke as well, though I am looking forward to Lesnar vs Ambrose, probably will be the best match.
I am also a huge Wyatt fan and am mad they still don't utilize him properly, instead Ryback gets another push (can't stand him lol).
apparently Vince swearing and the blood on Reigns were intentional, it is looking like they are going for an edgier feel leading up to WM, perhaps so they can get away with some Shane crazy bumping etc
Hoping for a crazy bump but Shane is 46 and hasn't done one in quite some time. Can't recall him doing one in the last feud he was in with Orton.

Went back and watched some of his old stuff on the Network, the match with Angle is still brutal. Definitley Shane's best match. Looking back in the year 2001 he was almost a full time wrestler, had a lot of matches that year