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Theme Parks & Shopping Districts Reopening General Thread

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Yeahhhhhh this stuff isn't a good look and needs to be addressed ASAP. I'm not going to steer toward hysteria yet, as we're still very early in the opening, but tighter measures need to be in place for this to work.
I don’t want to overreact, but I heard from a friend the parks were pretty crowded today and I think maybe OPD is reverting to their old ways under pressure.

They’ve been operating for 13 days now, so this type of stuff should’ve been squashed in the preview days.
I don’t want to overreact, but I heard from a friend the parks were pretty crowded today and I think maybe OPD is reverting to their old ways under pressure.

They’ve been operating for 13 days now, so this type of stuff should’ve been squashed in the preview days.

It sounds like today was the first real "moderate crowd" day, though, which they haven't actually had to deal with yet. I suspect there'll be hours of meetings tonight and things will look better this week.
FWIW in regards to the Volcano Bay one, an Orange County member of the House of Representatives called Universal out and Universal responded saying measures were taken to prevent it from happening again. Not sure what's up with the Hagrid situation though.

Between those pictures and what I've heard in regards to TMs getting COVID, I'm just not seeing the benefits of rushing back tbh.

EDIT: Just got word that USF actually hit capacity at some point today as well and that capacity rn is indeed 7k.
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Not sure of any crowd numbers, but it's definitely much busier today from what I've been told. Today was supposed to be the last day of 7 PM closings before dropping back to 6 PM, but it sounds like that may change now if these crowds keep up.
It was pretty busy - anywhere from 20-60 minute waits on the bigger rides. The worst part was the masks.. about 40% of people weren't wearing them or wearing them improperly and not one single person said anything to them. I'm not sure how safe I should feel. (On the bright side people DID social distance)
We didn’t go today but it’s been gradually getting busier and busier every day. The difference between yesterday (Friday) and Tuesday was night and day. The empty park pics have brought in more crowds and the current queues with distancing can’t really handle it.

Volcano Bay was roughly 3x more crowded than when we went Wednesday. Krakatau and drop slide both had decent waits (30+ mins) whereas before they were ride now.
In the afternoon, Popeyes was spilling outside the entrance and Hagrids was spilled into lost continent yesterday. And when they don’t have markings or actual queues, distancing gets much smaller than 6’. Because if you leave too much space and someone slips in; in typical theme park fashion.
I literally just said this this morning. I saw the writing on the wall; how could universal not?

Now all the parks are hitting capacity. If me, Andy from Texas saw it happening, what’s their excuse?

The worst part was the masks.. about 40% of people weren't wearing them or wearing them improperly and not one single person said anything to them
Once it’s 40%, there’s no stopping it. This is something else I noticed. When you shoot for the moon and make a plethora of restrictions, people aren’t going to follow them all.

I’m still holding onto my prediction that masks are going to switch to “recommended” when outdoors by July. I’m telling you now there is no chance it continues through the summer.

I’m glad we left when we did.
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Did anyone forward the “Fill available spaces” tweet to Universal too? That said, these people are at fault for bunching up like that too... but on the other hand that could turn into a fight.

Oh well, they are all young and healthy and it is an absolute fact that only people over 60 get sick from this virus. *said sarcastically*
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I literally just said this this morning. I saw the writing on the wall; how could universal not?

Now all the parks are hitting capacity. If me, Andy from Texas saw it happening, what’s their excuse?

Once it’s 40%, there’s no stopping it. This is something else I noticed. When you shoot for the moon and make a plethora of restrictions, people aren’t going to follow them all.

I’m still holding onto my prediction that masks are going to switch to “recommended” when outdoors by July. I’m telling you now there is no chance it continues through the summer.

I’m glad we left when we did.
According to employees we talked to there are supposed to be ambassadors reminding people -- but none to be seen. Since masks are not only a requirement, but actually a county restriction, it could lead to trouble down the road. And since the masks are meant ti protect ME from others, there could be liability issues (yeah, I know there's a waiver of risk. But that's only if the park performs their end of the bargain. If they lax off after telling people masks are mandatory so they makes it safer... well, bets are off). Hopefully it was because of the crowd and they will get a handle on it. (I sincerely doubt the mask policy will be abandoned anytime soon by the county or the parks considering the massive spike in infections and the updated info on how the mask prevents infections that came out the other day)
Glad to see it was fixed. That said, while I’ve understood many of people’s issues with Tom in the past, I wouldn’t call that clickbait. He had video proof showing exactly what he described.
It could just be that the markers peeled up and new ones needed to be put down?
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It could just be that the markers peeled up and new ones needed to be put down?
Last I was there they had the normal Stand behind this line sticker along with smaller blue stickers with no words on them to fill in the space between the worded stickers. They could’ve possibly removed those as they didn’t give any context as to where to stand near them and redid the spacing in the whole room moving all the markers
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