Well I said a few weeks ago the ride was done :bang:
Howd I miss that? So there is a post where you mentioned all the ride vehicles have been installed & all the lifts are working?? If so, stupid me, as I have been following this religously!!
OK, so my theory is that with everything the way its been happening the past week-
Installing the main ride sign
Busy activity with people coming in/out of the ride building
Camera crews goin in
Creative VP riding it
Meet & greet for VIPs only
The main door now being open
Whoever said softs will start in 2 weeks 2 weeks ago could've been right, only not to the general public, only VIPS, people from creative, etc. starting this weekend, followed by employees over the rest of the week, & we'll get an email saying AP holder previews will start NEXT weekend. I know, most will say "Not for at least a month or two, period." & they may be right. But wouldnt it be cool as hell if I was even half right??? & maybe perhaps the grand opening is in 3 weeks, with softs starting sooner. Well, Im hoping like hell anyway, fingers crossed!!!!