Okay... now that I've caught up on the past few pages (and the IU article).. I have to say that USH really handled this event poorly. /start rant
They really should've done a better job expanding on more details for each IP individually like when they first got announced (or at least made it easier to access the info). I shouldn't have to rely on an IU article to get a better idea of what the event is actually offering. They did a poor job of generating hype & instead just did a random "surprise! Tickets are on sale!" for a new event we've barely promoted. *sigh*
The merch leaves something to be desired. Some is great, the rest is ...basic/underwhelming. I hope they just didn't show all that is going to be available, but if that's it. Yikes.
Not exactly "wow'd" by the food offerings. Some of it looks generically basic without much thought/effort. I shouldn't be surprised by this because lately the themed options at USH haven't been "the best" (starting with the 60th?). It'll be interesting to see what the prices for these food options will be.
I know USH is anti-physical park map, but come on. Give us an event map for this. *grumble*
As for the actual event offerings, it's hard to even anticipate anything due to the vague-ness of details. I feel like you'll actually need to go multiple nights due to BTTF, Nintendo-Drones, & Hogwarts Always shows alone. USH isn't a big park, but ....HHN has taught us it can feel like one. I'm curious how much time will be needed to experience all BTTF has to offer or the Yoshi (+drone) stuff. Will the D&D/Trek experiences have repeat value like an HHN house or 1-and-done like a bad HHN house (or Late Night With Chucky)? When you start to analyze everything (excluding the rides), it's definitely not a 1-night only event. Unless you skip stuff & rush. /End rant