It just feels a little bit more sparse than previous years, and compared to what little we know about Hollywood's this year from the Midsummer Scream panel.
Like it seems like this is some kind of darker timeline, where after Christine rejects Erik's appearance, he flies into a murderous rampage trying to inflict his own facial injury onto others, and seemingly burning Christine alive(?), Jack Griffin is just kinda there, presumably fleeing to paris after his initial murder spree rather than being caught and killed, Dr. Jekyll is also kinda just there, I guess fleeing his past but then Mr. Hyde comes out involuntarily again. Quasi is kinda a wild card in orlando, since I'm not sure we have any real reason for his behavior, though in the Hollywood panel it seemed like Esmeralda's death is what sent him over the edge and he's now taking out his revenge on the world, so if we're to assume Hollywood and Orlando share the same canon of backstory, it could be the same there.
Like I said, it seems like the story is essentially a darker timeline mashup of all their individual stories, but they really dont come together cohesively into the same story, theyre sort of just individual stories happening concurrently until the final scare.