After seeing several managers hide from the torrential downpour during HHN opening night last year while leaving poor TMs out in the rain holding up the Stay & Scream signs with no protection/clothing, it made me realize just how appalling management is at the resort. That downpour came out of nowhere... but a manager at some point should have realized there might be TMs left out in the street with no protection.
That issue wasn't a one-off. A few days later, saw a poor TM nearly pass out because they didn't give her an umbrella/fan at the Today Cafe stay & scream.
Before HHN, during AP Appreciation Night, they left TMs and APs out in an extended queue in front of Hard Rock in the Florida Heat in the middle of August with no fans, umbrellas, or water. When several of us complained about the heat/lack of shade, they finally offered us water... for $6... with no AP discount offered lol. Temp was 93 that day, can't imagine what the index was.