This is a great topic and I’ll need to flesh out my thoughts later. But I’ll say this, I really care about the theme of a park. Islands has it, Epic has it. At some point, to me, Studios lost it. I grew up in the 90s era and I really felt the movie theme. Heck, one of my favorite attractions was Hitchcock.
Today, the park has less of a theme and more of a perception. Publicly, it feels like it’s known as the screen park. I don’t love that. I wish a lot of recent replacements kept the style of the ride the same. Practical to practical for example. But I get why they didn’t; it was rumored that ‘screens’ was a philosophy. Supposedly, that has changed with the new leadership.
All that said, currently I’m hopeful they will work to change that perception by listening to gp. And like
@Cup_Of_Coffee said, I do believe that’s coming within the next 10 years.