1. The entire site was raised uniformly by 10-12ft, so if they're digging "below grade" then it's not exactly a big deal when they would have to dig down again for foundations.
2. See 1
3. What are you expecting to see at this very early stage from site work?
4. It is a berm, we know it's a berm because it's exactly where they planned to build one, and at the same right angle we were expecting. And as I already said the entire 500acres were raised to the same level, so why wouldn't they borrow a few feet from one place move to another if it means they're saving time moving dirt around. Especially when if they need more later they can take it from the excavations that will be lagoon
5. Not sure why you have decided it's not a permanent berm when as I said it's where it's planned to be.
6. If the plan was further north and east, which is doesn't need to be, then the track would on top of the berm, as I have previously said that does not reflect the plans. It would make no difference if it was six feet this way or six feet that way. The overlay indicates to those who don't know that that what they're currently digging, is absolutely nowhere near the lagoon for the coaster and boat ride.