Question: Seeing as FB3 is set to be much more “major” than the films prior (according to Jacob’s actor bigger than the first two films combined, though I’m not sure how) and Warner Bros seems to be confident it is significantly better than what COG was (and some quotes have said it’ll be the darkest wizarding world story yet), not to mention it’s rumored that COG is just a whole film setting up FB3, is there any chance universal waits until the FB3 release to see if they want to do Brazil instead (it seems the floo Ride can be easily done either way, just a different city with rampant beasts, and if the second ride DOES end up being set in newts case somehow you’d have to imagine that takes location out of issue). If that film does much better and is seemingly much more important to the story, I’d think Universal would prefer doing it and it would come out roughly two years prior to epic’s opening year.
Not to mention things that will be seemingly commonplace in the rest of the franchise (evil Queenie, Eulalie Hicks and whatever group she and Dumbledore/Flamel are part of, Newt actively out to defeat Grindelwald) won’t begin until the third film.
I understand film quality and land quality don’t match, and a Parisian land is beautiful, but it seems like doing it based on a possible low for the series would be unwise.