This definitely stinks. I'd hope they will start selling charging cables somewhere in the park because I have experienced multiple times a friend having their battery completely drained during a park day or HHN night and not having a charger with them, and with this, not being able to check showtimes or anything like that thru the app would be a pain. Smaller issue but it is one I've seen multiple times.
If they do continue to create paper maps but lock them behind a desk at Guest Services like it seems like some are saying, I think I actually feel a lot better about this than if they didn't. I can at least quell my super-fan collector urge through that, and I can rest easy that some Minnesotan Grandpa might be able to figure his way around after all if he's directed to the right person.
I've heard this repeated a bunch and I've taken it at face value for awhile. It might be a conversation more suited for the Ride System thread than this Paper Maps one, but I'm really curious to dig deeper on this. I think this conversation started in the Mummy Refurb thread around December 2019, or at least that's where I first heard it prominently discussed.