All you need is a account and you can get deals like that nearly year round. Disney even has a buy 3, get 2 day deal going on. My previous employee had a Company Code on the site, so I am on there legitimately (or WAS, at least, since I don't work for Marriott anymore), but I believe a quick Google search can pull up codes so that you may register. As far as I know, once you are registered, there is no confirmation you actually work for the company and can buy tickets as frequently as you need to.
The downside so far is that I've only seen Volcano Bay available in the 3 day package, so it looks like you can't use the "2 free days" deal towards VB. At least it doesn't say so yet.
Edit: I believe GaylordStar (or GaylordStars) was the Company Code for the Gaylord hotel chain, if anyone would like to create an account on there for deals. Also, not affiliated at all with the site aside from using it every HHN season for Orlando tickets.