I thought Carkitt Market was an extension of the wizarding world and unaccessible to Muggles, just like Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. Also, Voldemort is assumed to be, well, missing in action in the Wizarding World narrative, isn't he? I'm not sure at all that it's set between books 6 and 7. And also, the wizarding world has just invited a ton of Muggles (us) to visit Hogwarts castle and Diagon Alley, so how concerned about revealing a few stories from children's books to us at this point? That said, I love your concealed wizardry idea. Sneaky street wizards hawking questionable wares and doing the occasional covert demonstration would be great. :smiley:
Speaking of muggles, are guests to be treated as muggles in Diagon Alley as they were in Hogwarts? I have to say I don't care much for that narrative, although I understand how it explains why we would be riding magic chairs instead of brooms through Hogwarts. In Diagon Alley, however, is there any logistical reason why we can't be treated as witches and wizards? What use would a muggle have with half the items sold in Diagon Alley, after all? I assume we'll be referred to as muggles on the Hogwarts Express, but doesn't the narrative seem a bit inconsistent? Why not just treat us a late-blooming wizard-folk with an apparition and flying handicap? Gallopin' Gorgons!