"So, I was reading back through replies to my pictorial clue. Some I just skimmed over at the time and for that I apologize. Someone nailed what the show will be about. I missed it but yep, on review, they nailed it. Congrats to the person who nailed it! So much fun!" (Quote Originally Posted by Teebin)
Coupled with these:
"Someone once told me that they considered magic tricks for phase I and that it was slammed by WB and it was never brought up again. (thank you OU secret source)
This time, not only might it work... it would work and not aggrieve any Potter super fan. 10% of me wants to fly down and audition myself; and that's saying something."
(Quote Originally Posted by Teebin)
Makes me think this guess is true:
"My leanings would be more along the lines of concealed wizardry. Maybe a street magician who is actually a wizard or something similar"
(Quote Originally Posted by kingcooger)