Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2 | Page 88 | Inside Universal Forums

Wizarding World - Diagon Alley Discussion - Part 2

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From HTF on Twitter:

"Possible Replacement could involve Photo Connect."

"One possible scenario is the Daily Prophet. Again guys these are rumors and nothing concrete nor confirmed."

"Well the TF's M&G involves photo connect so it may not be a bad thing. Time will tell..."
Nossuh... The idea and reasoning why you cannot see the engine in Hogsmeade is because it is sticking out of an arch into the town across from Zonko's and people are getting their picture taken in front of it. Capeesh? It is an illusion and suspension of disbelief that they are going for.

Capito! :thumbs: (Sorry... brain fart...)

Rumor Alert: Zonkos could be closing forever in just a few weeks…

From HTF on Twitter:

"Possible Replacement could involve Photo Connect."

"One possible scenario is the Daily Prophet. Again guys these are rumors and nothing concrete nor confirmed."

"Well the TF's M&G involves photo connect so it may not be a bad thing. Time will tell..."

Very interesting, indeed! Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop would be / would have been excellent! They could have coffee and other beverages there, too; not just tea, obviously. Plus they could have pastries and bonbons and other wizarding treats. It would fit with Honeydukes, as well. But, I do agree that the space is not big and it would be nicer if it was an actual tea / coffee shop place with tables.

The Photo Connect option makes sense. In that vein, I wonder if they would ever devise moving portraits that wouldn't cost exorbitant prices... And a decorated digital picture frame simply wouldn't do, although even with that they'd probably sell the crap out of it. I'm surprised they haven't come out with something like that yet.
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I'd be surprised if JK/WB approved a Photo Connect experience taking the place of Zonko's. That just doesn't seem to fit the authenticity of the whole land.

But it wouldn't just be a random plain photo connect store. It's be a Wizarding-World themed store that sold photo connect pictures and products. Either way, it's just a rumor :thumbs: although I take HTF's rumors with more than just a grain of salt.

I forgot to mention it earlier, but UORBuzz posted some excellent pictures from today: http://www.uorbuzz.com/studios/diagon-alley/
Lots of visible progress (new framing and pieces, less scaffolding, etc.) and some cool angles he got, such as:


(Pic from UORBuzz)

Definitely worth a look! :thumbs:
If Zonko's is being replaced by a Photo Connect it would be very simple to work it into the world of Harry Potter. I just saw all 8 movies this week for the first time and don't remember much about where everything is but I do recall a newspaper. I believe some of you called it the Daily Prophet. It would be as if you're having your picture taken for the newspaper. They could work in a couple of roving photographers for this newspaper and have you come pick up your photo a short time later. I know some things have been suggested already but the three main selling points I can think of would be 1)a pic in front of the train. 2)a wanted poster and 3)a heads on bodies spot for different harry potter characters. It doesn't seem to difficult to theme as some have suggested it would be. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard to work something like that into Diagon Alley as well.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks Filipe! There's a ramp I saw in one of my other pics that's in the room a little further to the left of that particular picture. Great day for taking pics! :)
When I first read the rumor of Zonko's leaving, I hated it, especially since I've never been one to buy photos at theme parks.

But now that I've thought about it, a themed Photo Connect seems like a no-brainer for HP, and one I might actually purchase.

It would be great if they had a few roaming photographers dressed like this guy with digital cameras disguised to look like his:


The camera could take a snapshot AND a 5-10 video clip for purchase as a premium "magical moving photo." It would work especially well at the HE photo-op where the conductor could encourage people to keep moving, waving, etc. for the video so they won't be awkwardly standing still, staring at the camera. :lol: Or the photographers could have some spiel they say to keep the people from freezing for the camera.
I didn't take it that way at all. From the article, it doesn't sound like a lot of that information came from directly from SeaWorld. It was some analyst that made these statements. And SeaWorld just broke attendance and revenue records, so I wouldn't say they're hurting.

The CEO of the company claimed Diagon would be a good thing for SeaWorld and would help bring in more people to the area.
"The fact that there [are] other operators in town, sophisticated operators who invest in the business … is actually a benefit to all of us. And so when we see attractions like even Transformers this year, Fantasyland this year at Disney or Harry Potter 2, as you are alluding to, that's actually a benefit for the whole destination," Atchison said. "It tends to provide more lift, brings more people to the market [and]…then they can pick and choose the parks they go to. So it tends to raise all the ships if you will."

From the same article.

As a European visitor I'm able to buy 14 day multi park passes. A very popular one is a combo of Universal Studios, IOA, W&W, Sea World and Aquatica. For an extra 10 euro you can add Bush Gardens. Even parking is added in the mix that when you bought a parking ticket at Universal you can use it to park at Sea World the same day with no extra costs. I'm sure Sea World is very happy with the success of Universal Resort in that regard.
What's not being discussed is, if Zonko's were making money, there is now way Universal would close it. It was probably something that sounded like a good idea, but in practice it just didn't work out so well. Neat place to visit, but not enough people actually spending money in there.
The merchandise just isn't really that great there. It was cool to walk through the first couple times, but who's gonna buy a $10 rubber frisbee? Or any of the other weirdly packaged items that I'm drawing blank on at the moment, lol.

As far as the Photo Connect goes, is there a cheap and fast way to print out lenticular photos? I could see them taking a few photos and putting them together to create a "moving photo". It would work great with whatever they are using your picture for in Gringotts. I've got no idea if the technology exists to quickly print out different lenticular photos, but it would be cool.
Seems kind of crazy that one of the original stores is getting axed. Does it not do well? I haven't been back in awhile, but I remember it was really busy
If Zonko's is closing one of the major reasons has to be the fact that Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes is opening. Many of the things currently sold in Zonko's (Pygmy Puffs, Fanged Frisbees, Extendable Ears, etc.) are technically Weasley's products anyways and don't belong in Zonko's and it may not make sense to have two stores selling the same things (especially since Weasley's will be bigger).

That said there still should be a Zonko's in Hogsmeade, even if it's just a false storefront.
I don't know if any of you have been to the wb studio tour, but there they have an area set up with green screens for photos, they get you to put one of the school cloaks on and you get on a broom stick. They then do a little film with all different background ons the green screen and you can buy the pictures or DVD of it. My gf is a massive harry potter geek and iv never seen her smiling so much as when she was on the bloody broom stick lol. I think uni are missing a brilliant experience
If Zonko's is closing one of the major reasons has to be the fact that Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes is opening. Many of the things currently sold in Zonko's (Pygmy Puffs, Fanged Frisbees, Extendable Ears, etc.) are technically Weasley's products anyways and don't belong in Zonko's and it may not make sense to have two stores selling the same things (especially since Weasley's will be bigger).

That said there still should be a Zonko's in Hogsmeade, even if it's just a false storefront.
I agree. I really like Zonko's and wish I'd gotten more photos on my last trip if they are indeed closing it. I can see them putting a Zonko's window display in to replace Wiseackers or one of the other shops that don't really belong in Hogsmeade and are getting shops in Diagon anyway.
I don't quite get why the WW facade of leicester square looks almost nothing like the real thing... except for the arches.... anyways, LOOK A RAMP!
I don't quite get why the WW facade of leicester square looks almost nothing like the real thing... except for the arches.... anyways, LOOK A RAMP!

It depends from which corner you look at it... the other shows that it is spot on.


I would suspect it has been crapped up over the decades with "modern improvements", much like many beautiful buildings in the USA.
Oh, now I see why everyone keeps mentioning ceramic tiles...

leicester square station is so damned ugly, I never looked closely at the real thing.

Do we know how they are going to achieve that tiled look? I presume they aren't using real tiles. Is it just a matter of paint, faux-grout lines, and a layer of shellac to give it that sheen?
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