The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2 | Page 331 | Inside Universal Forums

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade (Orlando): Part 2

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Considering Mr. giant4203's username, and Twitter profile pic, he's a good sized guy. Most people will be perfectly fine, and I expect at least a couple Kukas with modified seats.
Hello everyone, I don't post that often but I love reading what everyone else thinks. As much as I love going to theme parks myself, I really enjoy seeing how others react to being in the parks. I attended the TM preview on thursday and I would like to give my comments and address some other concerns that have come up.

Firstly... as many have said already I must confirm that TWWHP is amazing. the level of detail is unlike anything any theme park, at least state side, has ever achieved. Hogwarts castle dwarfs cindy's shack down the street. while there will always be the magic of mainstreet with a castle at the end.. entering Hogsmead with the castle back there is unlike any feeling you will get at disney. I know many many pages ago we were all giggling at the people who said they could spend all day in just TWWHP, and while 9 am to 10 pm (or however long they will have to keep this place open) would be to long I can def see a minimum of 5 hours will be needed for the first time visitor, and those true fans will likley spend the majority of there day here. they have really created a place you want to sit down and just hang out in.

Butterbeer- amazing, had 2 glasses. I liked the frozen better. you will have to try both. I was expecting the frozen to be like an icee, but it is more like regular BB just... super cold with frozen bits and refreshing.

Shops- though they are, as others have reported, much smaller then the normal theme park shop, they are spectacular. the shops are attractions unto themselves. even the people I was with who were not HP fans or even knew the stores were from the books etc. were still enchanted and blown away. the shopkeepers are in full wizard robes and feel like hogsmead town folk. not once did I feel like I was in a souvenear shop or that an employee behind the counter was just a cashier.

Olivanders- not everyone will get picked, not everyone will want to. if you want to be picked and you are a teenager and above you may have to mature a bit and enjoy the show and go buy your wand of choice. it is a great show to see and you will not understand how not disappointed you will be until you see it. I understand I family with multiple children. I guess you will have to be the adult and prepare your children for what they will see rather then to be winy brats who think the universe is about them (sorry that was a rant)

The ONLY let down for me from the entire experience was DC. The Que started great the path is themed great, the first few rooms are awesome, then... miles of hallway with no themeing at all, new rock work over all of the bones from DD. as the que is so long and the cool stuff is at the beginning most people will be waiting in line among barren walls, this was confusing to me.

there really is so much to see and do I didn't get through everything in the 3 hours. HPTFJ que- stellar. FOTH- don't pass up at night, its the only way to see buckbeak and hagrids and it has amazing views of the castle (esp all lit up) the re themeing here as turned a kiddie coaster into a gentle ride for all hp fans!

there is so much more to say but I'll leave it there, let me know if you have any specific questions!

Thanks for the report, it does sound like Universal has really done a nice job overall. Did you, perchance, avail yourself of the FJ test seats? Any comments on the "fit"?
I am sorry to bring up the whole wand thing again, but it is going to really stink for huge potter fans if the majority of people chosen are kids...just because I am not a child anymore does not mean I am still not a huge Harry Potter fan. I got Philosopher's Stone when I was 11 and being 21 now should not mean that I am too old to enjoy or want the experience of a wand choosing me. I have loved these books for ten years...half of my life...and I am going to be hella bummed when my little sister and I drive the 11 hours to Orlando from Nashville, Tennessee to watch a wand choose a 1st grader. I am sure this seems ridiculous to a non-fan, but, living in Nashville, I am not going to have the opportunity to go to WWOHP that often in hopes of getting a wand...this might be my only shot!

I just feel that, with all of the hype of Ollivander's, it was insinuated that everyone would have the unique and intimate experience of a wand choosing you and now, hearing that there is a 1 in 25 chance of getting to do that, I am quite disappointed.
Thank you, tribbleorlfl, I have a bit of hope again for both...As for wands we are not going until September after most kids have gone back to school and going mid week too. So maybe there will be better chances for us all to get to be "chosen by our wands" I will just keep fingers crossed until we get there.
Man, this Ollivanders gripe is getting a bit old. Guys, we have to be realistic here! We have one shop with one shopkeeper. Sure, they could have done it with multiple shopkeepers but you have to remember the key word when it comes to this island: Authenticity!! Like most of you, I was looking forward to having the wand pick me, but I realize that this is still a theme park and there are certain logistics to deal with (like how many people can we get through this thing in an hour). Personally, I think the experience is going to be exciting despite the perspective it is viewed from. And for those griping about how they think that some kid will get picked instead of them, I hope that is absolutely the case. Remember what it was like going to a theme park when you were a kid? You actually believed that the experiences you were having were REAL. Sure, if one of us were picked to have the wand choose us, we would enjoy it, but at the end of it all we would know that it was just special effects and some wind! These kids may actually believe that a real magic wand chose them, and to deprive a child of such an experience is selfish and childish. So, that's what I think about that.

Everything from these reports sounds VERY exciting. I can't wait to see it all for myself in October!
Wow. I can understand people getting upset about the wand situation but come on, it is a show and as someone pointed out there is NO WAY EVERYONE can have the experience, there are just not enough hours in the day. So yes, some people need to buck up and grow up if you are not choosen. If you are in the world of Harry Potter and are say 21 then you should have had a wand choose you 11 years ago (as far as the stories I know the area is just openeing) so you can still purchase a wand next door. I mean after all if you go to say Disney and are not choosen to be part of a show, do you cry this much. I am also perfectly sure that there is enough to do in WWOHP that if you do not get to have a wand choose you, you can still have tons of Magical experiences.

Sorry I had to rant but come on people get over it and do some thinking and let CHILDREN have the expperience. Also people are saying HYPE about Ollivanders. Universal never and I mean EV ER said everyone will get the chance it just said Ollivanders where the wand chooses you. A play on words I know but what can you do.
HELLO PEEPS, WE GOT TO SEE ACTUAL RIDE FOOTAGE. Ive seen people go on rants about less, and yet we have the wand discussion slowly becoming the great courtyard debate. :/
HELLO PEEPS, WE GOT TO SEE ACTUAL RIDE FOOTAGE. Ive seen people go on rants about less, and yet we have the wand discussion slowly becoming the great courtyard debate. :/

Are you referring to the footage with Emma Watson or something else entirely.
Actually typically 52" is like XL or XXL...I have a 56" chest and I wear a XXXL

i found what his size he is a big dude so i wonder and we will have to ask him if it was snug for him or if he plainly did not fit cause then it would help us figure out if some of us can fit, cause most of us that seemed to be worried seem to be in that XL range with 48-52 chest size.
I am sorry to bring up the whole wand thing again, but it is going to really stink for huge potter fans if the majority of people chosen are kids...just because I am not a child anymore does not mean I am still not a huge Harry Potter fan. I got Philosopher's Stone when I was 11 and being 21 now should not mean that I am too old to enjoy or want the experience of a wand choosing me. I have loved these books for ten years...half of my life...and I am going to be hella bummed when my little sister and I drive the 11 hours to Orlando from Nashville, Tennessee to watch a wand choose a 1st grader. I am sure this seems ridiculous to a non-fan, but, living in Nashville, I am not going to have the opportunity to go to WWOHP that often in hopes of getting a wand...this might be my only shot!

I just feel that, with all of the hype of Ollivander's, it was insinuated that everyone would have the unique and intimate experience of a wand choosing you and now, hearing that there is a 1 in 25 chance of getting to do that, I am quite disappointed.

As a parent of a near 1st grader, I would be upset if they chose a 21 year old over a child, so it works both ways. While themeparks are for the young and young at heart, experiences like these are generally meant for children because they genuinely don't distinguish between reality and fantasy at those ages. As a rational adult, you know that the wand selection isn't magic, that the wand isn't actually choosing you. To a child, though, they'll think they are actually making these things happen, and then will spend the rest of the day pertending they're making magic with they're new wand. You will realize this when (And if) you have kids, but there is nothing more fulfilling in life than seeing your child genuinely happy, excited and in wonder of the world; children will get the most out of this experience, thus they should be the focus.

Also, in terms of the story and narrative, while I guess an adult or teen wizzard could go to Olivander's to get a new wand if theirs was damaged, all instances of Olivander's in the books have been new students getting their first wand for school. It makes natural sense that the majority of those picked will be school-aged, especially in the 10-12 age bucket to align w/ Harry's age TSS. Plus, this might also be an old-fashioned edict from Ms. Rowling; most of her charity work is for children's charities and she is notorious for only signing autographs for children.
i found what his size he is a big dude so i wonder and we will have to ask him if it was snug for him or if he plainly did not fit cause then it would help us figure out if some of us can fit, cause most of us that seemed to be worried seem to be in that XL range with 48-52 chest size.

Thank You for finding that, I will also be very curious to see how close he was to being able to ride.


Wand conversations have been temporarily suspended to avoid me hurting myself. Thank you for your cooperation.
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hatetofly yeah i was referring to the youtube link that was Uni approved. But it had as much to offer as that pic of the unthemed arms in he warehouse. I will just assume the conversation on seat fitting is a result of the vid though, as the wand thing will probably not stop. Which I get, as I am passionate about rides rollercoasters and all things themed heavily !!
Whew what a night!

I can safely say that the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is everything they have hyped and more. I've been around the world, to many theme parks and I have never sen anything as amazing as I saw tonight. The castle at night is absolutely awe inspiring, stopping you in your tracks when you see it in the distance. Let's break things down:

Shops: TINY TINY TINY! some very cool stuff, I can see once the park opens to the GP multiple people in a group being able to experience a wand selection. For us, I think it was just a case of showing us what happens and then moving us through. Make sure to pay attention to the shop windows as you'll see some of my magical touches :)

Three Broomsticks: OMG the place smelled incredible! I had the fish and chips, and my GOD they were the most incredible fish and chips I've ever had :)
Butterbeer: Let's just say this...if someone asked me if I wanted butterbeer or have sex, I would have a very tough time choosing LOL it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy....I had like 3 glasses hehe :) and the Pumpkin Juice is also absolutely incredible. For those of you who are whining about having no Coke on the island...try one of these and you'll never want to have a Coke again :)

Dragons Challenge: Very cool additions to the theming...but really not too much changed

Flight of the Hippogriph: Very cute trek through the pumpkin patch to Hagrid's hut...make sure you bow to Buckbeak!! :)

Harry Potter and the Fobidden Journey Queue: Wow...absolutely incredible. I won't mind waiting in line for this just to see everything. Also, I have a 56" chest and I'm 52" around my belly, and I don't think I fit the seat. The lights weren't working unfortunately but the girl thought I wouldn't make it. Ride vehicles WERE CYCLING, but nobody was allowed on.

So, Disney better be nervous about this. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is a major game changer in the theme park industry.
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And for those griping about how they think that some kid will get picked instead of them, I hope that is absolutely the case. Remember what it was like going to a theme park when you were a kid? You actually believed that the experiences you were having were REAL. Sure, if one of us were picked to have the wand choose us, we would enjoy it, but at the end of it all we would know that it was just special effects and some wind! These kids may actually believe that a real magic wand chose them, and to deprive a child of such an experience is selfish and childish. So, that's what I think about that.
I couldn't agree more; you said what I was trying to express, only far more eloquently.
hatetofly yeah i was referring to the youtube link that was Uni approved. But it had as much to offer as that pic of the unthemed arms in he warehouse. I will just assume the conversation on seat fitting is a result of the vid though, as the wand thing will probably not stop. Which I get, as I am passionate about rides rollercoasters and all things themed heavily !!

Oh ok, totally missed your point my bad. Anyone else notice in that video where she says that was unbelievable you can see two other ride vehicles to the left of the one they are sitting in. And they are facing what looks like opposite directions.
I caught that they were definitely moving but it appeared to me that all we could see was the side of the other vehicles. But it also appeared there were lights on the other side of the wall so you could be on to something hatetofly
As a parent of a near 1st grader, I would be upset if they chose a 21 year old over a child, so it works both ways. While themeparks are for the young and young at heart, experiences like these are generally meant for children because they genuinely don't distinguish between reality and fantasy at those ages. As a rational adult, you know that the wand selection isn't magic, that the wand isn't actually choosing you. To a child, though, they'll think they are actually making these things happen, and then will spend the rest of the day pertending they're making magic with they're new wand. You will realize this when (And if) you have kids, but there is nothing more fulfilling in life than seeing your child genuinely happy, excited and in wonder of the world; children will get the most out of this experience, thus they should be the focus.

Also, in terms of the story and narrative, while I guess an adult or teen wizzard could go to Olivander's to get a new wand if theirs was damaged, all instances of Olivander's in the books have been new students getting their first wand for school. It makes natural sense that the majority of those picked will be school-aged, especially in the 10-12 age bucket to align w/ Harry's age TSS. Plus, this might also be an old-fashioned edict from Ms. Rowling; most of her charity work is for children's charities and she is notorious for only signing autographs for children.

I guess it just really sucks for me [and all of the other Harry Potter fans who got the books when they first came out] that Wizarding World was not made when we were kids. I could not care less if it were some attraction that had nothing to do with Harry Potter...I know nothing about Disney World or their attractions, but if this had something to do with Mickey Mouse of course I would rather a child experience it...this is Harry Potter and how many 5 year olds do we know who have read all seven of the books? I really am not trying to come off as selfish [and I suppose I am failing, it is just simply hard to convey exactly what I am feeling via the internet and a forum].

I am not saying they should only choose diehard fans and I know it is impossible, but I wish everyone could experience it if he or she wished. Honestly, I would pay extra to be able to experience it and I know a lot of HP fans who would as well.
Giant, hey thanks for the review this evening and for throwing out your size info.

All us big guys are wondering about fitting on FJ so all specifics like this help.
ductapemyheart, hello fellow Nashville Tennessean, actually I'm just south of Nashville but I totally understand what you are saying and I am in a similar boat but mine is with my own kids. I know some people on this forum don't understand the passion that some HP fans have for the books, movies, and now hopefully the WWoHP. Whether or not you feel that the fans just need to "grow up" and "get real" is just as overboard of a reaction as you feel the fans are.

people have grown up sometimes quite literally with Harry Potter. it has been a part of their lives to some degree for a very long time and for to have been led to believe that the wand thing was for anyone who wanted to participate and now to be told that most likely 90% or so will walk away with out that experience it is quite a bit disappointing.

ok rant over...sorry to be kicking a dead horse