Terminator 2, to me, is an almost perfect attraction. It has a great pre-show that sets the mood perfectly while being true to the Terminator franchise...the way the Cyberdyne promo deftly blends optimism with a sense of dread is absolutely fantastic.
The theater portion is also great...disguising the 3-D glasses as safety visors for the weapons demonstration is genius. The live action portion is unique and, the way the live action interacts with the 3-D film is still innovative to this day. The gun shots, the way the T-1000 chokes the hostess and throws her, how the motorcycle comes in and out of the screen...its all just great.
The actual film is well-done too. Its the most expensive film per minute if I remember correctly (basically an unheard-of budget for a 12-minute film) and every penny shows on screen. There are jokes, very well-choreographed fight/chase scenes, and a great pacing that make it such a satisfying experience. Plus, the little things like gusts of wind whenever a plane flies overhead, and strobe lights to simulate gunfire and search-lights, and even that little drop at the end all add to an assault on the senses. And best of all, the 3-D isnt dated like most shows out there...the T-1000000 still looks like its truly cominh out of the screen, even at an angle, and the actual film portion looks like it could have been filmed yesterday.
Obviously I love T2

. The only problem I have with it are the use of clips from the film in the pre-show (which is otherwise completely believable), and the ambiguity of how the T-100 from Terminator 2 is brought back all of a sudden. Other than that, I think this is one of the best attractions in Florida, period. I love everything about it.