When I say fanboy, it's aimed at the people who think Star Wars isn't in the same class as Potter as far as potential and marketability. If you have no interest in the movies planned, that's all well and good. Ep 1-3 (esp 1 and 2) weren't exactly the best thing to happen to the franchise so I can understand when someone has trepidations. That said, if Disney plans on adding a land or a huge attraction based on the franchise, and the "Uni fanboys" write it off; then I have a bit of a problem...and it seems the only reason why they do write it off is because they want to turn a blind eye to the potential success of the land. As if this huge hole will form in your souls because god forbid Disney can pull something with huge potential off. Honestly, you all should be thrilled if they do plan on adding something. The best thing to happen to any company is competition, and if WDW decides to start "really" retaliating with these moves, than you're in for a treat because at the end of the day, a Universal fan is a theme park fan and theme parks are about to have another renaissance.
Also, I don't know why you would single out Disney as taking classics and try to continue them. All movie studios do so. Hence why we are getting our 3rd Batman and another Bourne trilogy.
I see, well I certainly believe that HP isn't out of the league of Star Wars, it's Star Wars for goodness sake. 1-3 were not very good as you said and yea I'm a little worried, depending on who they get the director to be will play a big part in whether or not my interest remains. BUT with that said IF Disney does something with this in their theme parks that would be awesome! Someone was brainstorming about a possible 3rd Disney Park with Star Wars theming and the ideas that started cranking were pretty intense, the only reservation I have is the "IF" part of the conversation. People here have made the argument that Disney has had the rights for theme parks to this property but haven't done much...I'd love to see business boom again, I LOVE watching Universal try and one up Disney and so forth, so IF something happens in the theme parks here in Orlando then my reservations will be quieted and I'll join the ranks.
And yes I know Batman's all over the place, multiple spiderman's swinging around New York City, so many Jason Bourne characters runnin around, its CRAZINESS! lol. My point was to the fact that while all those movies you mentioned were re-made great! Disney (in my humble opinion) is GREAT at making movies, especially animated...but of late when they add to movies i.e (cars 2, cinderella 2,3..) they dont turn out well. Now granted I throw my hands up when it comes to box office ratings etc...I've seen these movies and I didnt like them- especially Cars 2. The first Cars was incredible but well yea...Im not saying all Disney re-makes or sequels are bad (I almost cried at the end of Toy Story 3, come on! haha) it's just been in my experience that they have the tendency to just keep adding on and on and on to some movies that just simply belong in the past. Tis all.