I personally have no problem with this as long as they implement it properly. Whether they will or not, I have no clue. Without all the facts it is hard for me to judge this system. They could do many things for AP holders. The first being they could allot you so many a year. I wish they would allot you a number based on how often you go in a year, but I doubt that will happen. For example I go almost every weekend, so I use my pass a lot more than my mom who is lucky to go once a month. So I would think I should get more so that I can do it every time I go to the park. The other thing is they should limit you to 4 a day (or whatever the number is) like everyone else. The second thing is if they hold back a bunch of fastpass+ time slots. So lets say that they allow 100 passes per hours time period, 70 of them can be pre-booked, but 30 are released only the day of. This would allow one day park people and AP holders the ability to have the spontaneous pop in and still be allowed to get a fast pass or two.
I don't understand the complaints it will make lines longer. Fast pass is already here and already made the lines longer, this is not going to make stand by any longer EXCEPT on rides that never had fast pass before. But then at the same point this could spread out the fast pass users because all rides have fast pass. So it could lower the wait times throughout the park, but I don't see a scenario where wait times get longer on rides that already have fast pass. So I don't see how it can make your experience worse. I could see it being worse if like people are saying and Soarin books up 180 days in advance. But honestly don't see that happening. No way that many people book that far in advance. I am hoping they hold some back, so that others can get them the day of.
I do think if they hold some back, it will improve everyone's experience. No more RUNNING back to get a fast pass at a certain attraction. Now you can book it at a kiosk anywhere in the park or on your phone. That too me is such a plus. Because I hate walking all over the place just to get a fast pass, what a waste of time. My husband waited for the flights of bird show, while I booked it over to get a FP for Everest. Instead of could just enjoy time with my children. I also hate that I am locked to the next time. Sometimes the pass if for 5 - 6pm and I don't get it because I know I won't be back to that area until 8 pm. So then sometimes I go back later to get the 8 PM one. Pain in the butt. Now the new app does give me the times, so it saves me a trip over there.
Again, if they do it right it could work. If they do it wrong, well it could make for AP, and one day pop-ins experience worse. I so hope since they are limiting e-ticket advance booking to only 1. That gives me hope that they have thought about some of this.
On a side note, I do like having fast pass at all rides. I know most of you hate it. But with a handicapped son, it will make my life easier. There are many times we can't do rides like magic carpet, because he can't wait in long lines outside when the temps are higher. But my daughter LOVES that ride, so we have to avoid it so she doesn't see it, or I have to take her on myself and we loose out on family time. You would be surprised, I have seen 30 minute waits for that ride and that is too long for my LO with his heart condition and other issues. So yes, I am selfish, but I do like FP being added to more rides.