Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry | Page 207 | Inside Universal Forums

Effects of Coronavirus (COVID-19) On Entertainment & Tourism Industry

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GUYS - Please pay attention to what thread you are in. This conversation started as one about COVID in the parks and now has just turned into general COVID talk.

Unless you have something to say related to the topic, then let’s move this conversation over to the general COVID thread.
GUYS - Please pay attention to what thread you are in. This conversation started as one about COVID in the parks and now has just turned into general COVID talk.

Unless you have something to say related to the topic, then let’s move this conversation over to the general COVID thread.

That's actually my bad, too. I'm gonna move my post to the appropriate thread.
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In Florida HHN will extra scary this year!

In California they probably won't even be allowed by the government to be open.
So is this really the only thread we are allowed to discuss covid-19? It's really weird watching everyone pretend like nothing is wrong in the HHN 30 Speculation thread. And someone deleted my comment when I voiced my concern.
No. We have multiple threads.

This thread is for discussion on the Entertainment and Tourism industry.

This thread is for General COVID Discussion:

and This thread is for talk on the reopening of the parks:

We also have a COVID support thread:
So is this really the only thread we are allowed to discuss covid-19? It's really weird watching everyone pretend like nothing is wrong in the HHN 30 Speculation thread. And someone deleted my comment when I voiced my concern.

Nick broke down the categories, but I will add that we are a theme park forum in which COVID is affecting... basically everything. If we didn't set some boundaries on its discussion, practically every thread would devolve into COVID discussion, which also generally results in "should x be open or not."
Nick broke down the categories, but I will add that we are a theme park forum in which COVID is affecting... basically everything. If we didn't set some boundaries on its discussion, practically every thread would devolve into COVID discussion, which also generally results in "should x be open or not."
Also, I know people who have officially been cast now, so they seem to be moving full steam ahead so there’s no reason at least our HHN thread shouldn’t still go on talking as if it’s happening.

None of our other threads about the parks are really being overtaken by COVID talk, so the same goes for HHN.
So is this really the only thread we are allowed to discuss covid-19? It's really weird watching everyone pretend like nothing is wrong in the HHN 30 Speculation thread. And someone deleted my comment when I voiced my concern.

I deleted your comment for all of the reasons @Nick and @Clive listed above. We’re just trying to keep the Covid discussion to their respective threads. My PM’s are open if you disagree with my decision.

A lot of very powerful people trying very hard to ignore predictable patterns and cause-and-effect.

Given what we know at the moment, if Universal doesn’t install very expensive filters in the AC in all structures (including mazes), only let a couple groups through an entire maze at once, and aggressively expel anyone who removes their mask, they are being irresponsible.

When Disney is showing more consideration for the well-being of guests then you are, you are REALLY doing something wrong.
Like what?
Cancelling their Halloween event? Opening later (they shouldn’t be opening at all, but...)? Possibly not intending to open for even longer until they were blindsided by Universal reopening earlier then expected?

Look, WDW drove me away with years of neglect, poor choices, price increases, and stagnation. Universal, with its steady improvements, and especially HHN, were a wonderful thing, and I became a huge fan. But right now Universal is behaving irresponsibly.
You have the alternatives wrong. It is not open up and see illness skyrocket vs. stay closed and starve. The actual choice is control the virus like many other countries vs. just ignore it and let a lot of people get sick while the economy fails to recover.

We can control this. Many other nations have. And if we have to lockdown, businesses do not need to disappear and people do not need to starve. America is powerful and rich, arguably more so then any other nation in the history of the world. The attitude that sees opening up and letting the illness spread as the only option is defeatist, not realist.

To save the economy, we MUST control the outbreak. There is no other way.
CA did it very right the first time and then bam it got way worst. We locked down for months and then REQUIRED masks unlike Texas and in the end didn't matter.

We can keep shutting it down but won't matter because as long as one person has it it can spread and so our options are another lock down and then somehow magically make America's not freedom fighting stubborn people or accept this is how its going to be for the next two years and adapt as best we can.
But if a gym can be open so can a theme park which most of it is outside. Workers want more pay, I agree and this is what the unions are for. But i doubt anyone here wants to bail out Universal if they can't open for 2 years
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Cancelling their Halloween event? Opening later (they shouldn’t be opening at all, but...)? Possibly not intending to open for even longer until they were blindsided by Universal reopening earlier then expected?

Look, WDW drove me away with years of neglect, poor choices, price increases, and stagnation. Universal, with its steady improvements, and especially HHN, were a wonderful thing, and I became a huge fan. But right now Universal is behaving irresponsibly.

This argument is invalid, and silly to bring up a Vs. thing. To begin with, both parks are closed in Cali. In addition, Disneyland set up an opening date on the 17th and was ready to go while USH didn't and was holding off. You can't pick and choose to fit your narrative. Both resorts are doing what they can with what the state gov't allows them to do. WDW opened later because of several reasons, including their size and furloughing a majority of their workforce. Their decision had nothing to do with the other, and vice versa. Not to mention, they are still going to open on July 11th so it really doesn't matter who opened first if the argument is it shouldn't be open at all.

In regards to Halloween - HHN and Not So Scary are completely different events. Not So Scary involved fireworks (which are on hold), a parade (which are on hold), and Trick or Treating (which is obviously a no-no right now). Without those core activities, you have no event - so ipso facto - no event will be held. With HHN, you can institute social distancing to a degree, as you're going to be inside the haunted houses for no more than 5 minutes, limiting capacity, and utilizing virtual queues will help spread the crowds out. They are obviously banking on things to be different by Sept.

Now I'm not going to argue whether it should be open or not or if it should be cancelled - just pointing out the differences between the two.

So is this really the only thread we are allowed to discuss covid-19? It's really weird watching everyone pretend like nothing is wrong in the HHN 30 Speculation thread. And someone deleted my comment when I voiced my concern.

No, we're not pretending. I think it's been a bit since you've posted or visited but there was a Forum Alert when COVID began to be an issue stateside that informed the users to keep COVID talk to the COVID threads and keep other threads relegated to the topic. I probably should bring the alert back.
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Just a small sample....The Pittsburgh area has been primarily reinfected due to vacation tourists returning from Florida & Carolina hot spots, and then spreading it in the Pittsburgh area bars....And the county and now state Of Pa. instituted a 14 day quarantine for those returning from those states, plus some others. But evidently that has not dissuaded people from flying to Orlando & Myrtle Beach. The area airlines today said their flights are full and they're thinking of adding additional flights.....Crazy.
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This argument is invalid, and silly to bring up a Vs. thing. To begin with, both parks are closed in Cali. In addition, Disneyland set up an opening date on the 17th and was ready to go while USH didn't and was holding off. You can't pick and choose to fit your narrative. Both resorts are doing what they can with what the state gov't allows them to do. WDW opened later because of several reasons, including their size and furloughing a majority of their workforce. Their decision had nothing to do with the other, and vice versa. Not to mention, they are still going to open on July 11th so it really doesn't matter who opened first if the argument is it shouldn't be open at all.

In regards to Halloween - HHN and Not So Scary are completely different events. Not So Scary involved fireworks (which are on hold), a parade (which are on hold), and Trick or Treating (which is obviously a no-no right now). Without those core activities, you have no event - so ipso facto - no event will be held. With HHN, you can institute social distancing to a degree, as you're going to be inside the haunted houses for no more than 5 minutes, limiting capacity, and utilizing virtual queues will help spread the crowds out. They are obviously banking on things to be different by Sept.

Now I'm not going to argue whether it should be open or not or if it should be cancelled - just pointing out the differences between the two.

No, we're not pretending. I think it's been a bit since you've posted or visited but there was a Forum Alert when COVID began to be an issue stateside that informed the users to keep COVID talk to the COVID threads and keep everything other thread relegated to the topic. I probably should bring the alert back.
I don’t follow your comparison on HHN and MNSSHP. Current evidence shows covid lingers in the air and the spread is greatly exacerbated by being indoors generally and AC specifically. It doesn’t spread as readily via surfaces or outdoors. Disney’s event - focusing on outdoor activities - should be inherently safer then Universals, which is entirely dependent on being indoors in tight, heavily ACed environments. And it shouldn’t be harder to enforce social distance at a parade or fireworks - where guests are sedentary and can be constantly monitored - then it is in a dark maze.
No, we're not pretending. I think it's been a bit since you've posted or visited but there was a Forum Alert when COVID began to be an issue stateside that informed the users to keep COVID talk to the COVID threads and keep other threads relegated to the topic. I probably should bring the alert back.

Yeah, it's been a while! I remembered this lovely place after Disney made an announcement about Splash Mountain and thought to myself oh I have to read about that!

I didn't mean to stir up crap. This year sucks, and I want a redo.
Just a small sample....The Pittsburgh area has been primarily reinfected due to vacation tourists returning from Florida & Carolina hot spots, and then spreading it in the Pittsburgh area bars....And the county and now state Of Pa. instituted a 14 day quarantine for those returning from those states, plus some others. But evidently that has not dissuaded people from flying to Orlando & Myrtle Beach. The area airlines today said their flights are full and they're thinking of adding additional flights.....Crazy.
Is there any enforcement of this? I know when we were not allowing tourist from Northern Hotspots back in March/Aprill there was very minor enforcement. There was some, but people still traveled.
It's a guess I have no inside info on fog vs no fog.

COVID-19 is a virus spread using respiratory droplets. While not studied it's possible that fog could help carry it, that's a prevailing theory.
Yup masks (which restrict breathing) + people needing better vision so they maintain distance = no fog I’d assume

Replying here re: HHN/haunted houses & fog; I think it belongs here, feel free to let me know if otherwise. Fog itself, depending on the brand and composition, may cause covid to hang around in the air longer. It also may deactivate the virus through denaturation similar to alcohol or soap. As far as I know it's never been studied at all, but it's an interesting thought.

The bigger problem is that to get clouds of fog you need to have near 0 airflow which means you can't filter or treat the air at all to remove the covid-laden particles.
I don’t follow your comparison on HHN and MNSSHP. Current evidence shows covid lingers in the air and the spread is greatly exacerbated by being indoors generally and AC specifically. It doesn’t spread as readily via surfaces or outdoors. Disney’s event - focusing on outdoor activities - should be inherently safer then Universals, which is entirely dependent on being indoors in tight, heavily ACed environments. And it shouldn’t be harder to enforce social distance at a parade or fireworks - where guests are sedentary and can be constantly monitored - then it is in a dark maze.

I'm not saying one is safer than the other. I'm saying Disney cancelled the event because the core activities of the event were not going to be featured.
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