Geez. What was I thinking!?!?
So 4 years later- Rip Ride Rockit is off the list as one of my favorites, and is actually moved down pretty low, just down there with Fallon & Shrek 4D for me. I still love ROTM (although it desperately needs love), and I enjoy Horror Make Up and MIB(with regular queue).
I must say, with Twister, Disaster & T23D closed I feel like the park has lost a few of the unique things that I enjoyed about it. Especially T2. I was never huge on Disaster but once it left for SCREENZ I finally saw it's value & how unique it was.
Over at islands of adventure I'm a fan of P-Fury, just don't get on it that often because of the long and dark queue that has no phone service. I'm also a Spider-Man fan and like the Kong AA.