Well they have given us what they promised for the last 5 yrs. 1 new attraction (big or small) a year, and they've done pretty well so far, but if you want me to tell you about the UNEXCUSABLE things UO has done. Well, well, well... where to begin.... oh yeah let start with an attraction I used to work at, Poseidon's Fury 2.0... After watching the original show Zeus vs. Poseidon, this new version of Poseidon vs. Darkenon.... Really? Darkenon? I wonder how long it took them to thought about that name? and what's with the B list actor on cheap Halloween costumes, no thanks. Such a beautiful building and they just destroyed the magic it used to have.
"Next stop on our tour" JPRA, all I'm going to say is thanks for the new skin but PURPLE? really? now it feels like I'm on a pissed off Barney ride. Google Image Dinosaurs please!!! MIB, haha this is a funny story, So! before MIB opened USF started working on ET to add an 4th seat on each road because I guess the "3 across" was not working well for families, plus "party of 3" is not very common for guest, so they fixed that and about a year later they opened their brand new ride with.... 3 across rows, just dumb. T2 3D, I won't spend much time on this... Update the damn movie already please. we are on T5 "I think" and you still stuck on 2 with old out dated 80's 3D, this is just a movie on a theater, by just changing the movie you get a new attraction, same theme but updated, new and fresh, is that so hard? Dragon Challenge, besides the big down grade of the queue, This whole thing of not dueling makes no sense at all... I understand the reasons why, but if you are going to make me go through a metal detector every single time I ride this, then there's no excuse why they are not dueling anymore, that should've been a temporary measure till they find an answer to the situation, and I think they did find it. Just plain stupid and it takes away the fun of it or purpose. Also I can't talk about this anymore because they fixed it but let me just say, it took them way too long to repaint the NYC backdrop at USF and those Dudley Hat Lamps on the bridge to JP... I mean those things went from red to faded pink, it was just awful to look at those year after year and think, Is management that blind? because you could see those from a plane. I can keep going....

oh yeah the Twister "Drive In Sign" with the WHITE painted crane arm, Really? you didn't have like leftover black paint, you know since most of the building was painted black inside... Like I said I can keep going.