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Future of Dragon Challenge?

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In reality though, any real info gets posted almost immediately on the OU home page. We've just gotten into the bad habit of not looking at it very often.
Oh, I mean just any actual rumors or anything. Essentially anything that's not the endless circles of whether or not Dragon Challenge should be replaced by a dark ride and the armchair Imagineering and so on.
I'm thinking about an encounter with a fully formed Patronus without hearing the Patronus spell being cast at all. Basically it would just be a stag (or some other animal) composed of light.

Think of the scene in Order of the Phoenix where everyone learns to cast a full Patronus. Wouldn't one of those be cool to see, minus the wizard who cast it?

Laser holograms could be a cool technology to use for this..

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I have somethings to add about the hogsmeade area and the DC expansion. I think we all agree that the stage performance by hippogriff ride is bad. What I think is something that could replace it, is a care of magical creatures 101 class for muggles. The stage is right next to Hagrids hut, so a class on creatures would make sense. The whole backstory I had for this was (begin story) a Hogwarts student is trying to get magical service hours for the year, and has volunteered himself to teach a few muggles the basics on how to take care of magical creatures (he will explain how he has the knowledge to teach this because of his expirience with taking "Care of Magical Creatures 101" class last year at Hogwarts). The setup would be much more inviting than the current show, and would include something similar to the inside of Hagrids hut. There would be a lot of shelves with jars of different ingredients and small magical creatures. There would be a table in the center and a bunch of cages with birds and dragons in them all around the stage. Then, after giving us a brief overview of all the basic creatures, for the finale he would bring out 1 of 3 large life sized exotic magical creatures. There should be 3 different life sized creatures in total to make the show a little more diverse and not all the same. There would technically be 3 different shows because some creatures as well as the finale would be changed to make the show more exiting for rewatching. The animatronics would move and I think it's an amazing idea. A random Hogwarts student would give us a little info on why he's doing this job and would give a little small talk for us to get to know a little of who his character is. I feel like the magical service hours concept is very realistic and relatable, also it is kinda smart on my part. I wouldn't want to see a fake Hagrid doing the show. Each performer would have a different personality and I think it would be a hit. When DC does leave IOA soon (R.IP), the only thing making the hogsmeade area triwizard tournament themed is gonna be the foreign school performance. I think taking out the performance would be a smart idea, and wouldn't categorize the whole area to a certain time period. Give some feedback of my new idea

I don't know about having a new family coaster similar to mummy like everyone is talking about because I feel like universal is always making a different ride that is more elaborate and advanced than the last. A forbidden forest ride that is a roller coaster like the mummy would seem odd for universal to do since that's already been done, but I would like a good roller coaster similar to mummy. During the time I was out I've working on a forbidden forest dark ride on no limits 2 based on what everybody pretty much wants. It's a gerstlaure infinity, and is a combination of the mummy and Gringotts. The cars have already been customized to immitate the ford anglia and they have headlights on them. The coaster has a duel station, launch, and a really nice layout so far. It will have a small steady section in begining like Everest, but the main launch will be around 30 seconds into the ride. I'm still making a script for it and I have already added the trees. It's looking nice and when I'm done in around 4 months or longer, I will upload it on YouTube.
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So... much... text... halp :faint:

Agreed and you used one of my favorite emoticons.

When one thinks about it, there really aren't that many new ride types but just variations on a theme. WDW has used flumes and omnimovers in various ways. UNI has the ride vehicles from Transformers and Spidey plus the various simulators. FJ is apparently an omnimover with a Kuka arm, both of which have been used separately prior to the ride's development. Using the same ride type does not really negate or lessen a ride's impact.

So, I would think that a powered coaster will do the trick most effectively. Or the ride vehicles from Spidey, which provide a great deal of motion ranges. With the Spidey tech, one could theme the vehicles and make the ride so different that it wouldn't really feel like the same ride type. Just avoid the drop sensation as used in both Transformers and Spidey.
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If they were to do a new version of Mummy but with HP in the theme of it, with more consideration; I'd much rather want to see what Dynamic has with the SFXCoaster that they have in their catalog (as Ferrari World is the first in the world to have that tech).
If they were to do a new version of Mummy but with HP in the theme of it, with more consideration; I'd much rather want to see what Dynamic has with the SFXCoaster that they have in their catalog (as Ferrari World is the first in the world to have that tech).
In my opinion, Gringotts did not fully explore what the SFX typer coaster was capable of...It's an Intamin correct?
The SFX coaster if I'm not mistaken, wasn't officially revealed until 2015 by Dynamic themselves.

I would imagine Gringotts being very different than what the crew at Dynamics have.
Yes the SFX is dynamic...Gringotts was Intamin and classified as the" First Special Effects Coaster/Dark Ride Hybrid"...unfortunately it is more of a prototype...All that to say, I'd rather see Dynamic do the FF dark ride
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