Harumph. Grumble Grumble. All that.

I'll get excited for this stuff when I hear about when exactly they're gonna actually open up to the public.
To me, even the decade of expansion we saw from New Fantasyland up through Tron has yet to be enough to bring these parks up to the level that I think they should be by now. That silent era in the 2000s still haunts the company and every park feels like it's missing key areas, capacity eaters, and decent new attractions. There are many significant areas in these parks that feel thoroughly aged, lackluster, or just plain bad. Figment is still limping along, half of the attractions and "lands" in Hollywood Studios are an absolute mess right now, Magic Kingdom has only recieved one brand new ride since New Fantasyland dropped over a decade ago, etc.
Among the additions that they have made, I've loved practically all of them, but their build schedules are ridiculous and their philosophy of strategically opening rides at the most min-maxed profitable time possible frustrates and bores me to tears. Having all of the expansions from D23 2017 dripfed over 6+ years is absolutely horrible when it resulted in significant chunks of the operating theme parks being stuck behind impenetrable and ugly work walls for over half a decade. All while tickets, special events, and general merch, food, and other costs rocket in price.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Epcot the last few times I've went, because every other time since 2016 has been a nightmare of construction, ugly concrete, and closed attractions to navigate through. They kept the Train closed through the 50th anniversary because it was more profitable to wait to finish Tron, the cloned coaster from 2016, for multiple years. Ridiculous, and frankly, I've personally got no reason not to think that Dinosaur, the Liberty Belle, or the 2-4 shows near Animation Courtyard won't be closed for 4 years before reopening as an equal or lesser amount of actual attractions. Test Track's redo will only be quick because of the sponsor.
I'm also just generally not too excited for what is currently being rumored. Coco, Indiana Jones, Encanto, Moana, Zootopia, Villainland, it's just not stuff I find super compelling. It's a personal thing, but it effects my thoughts. I'm not gonna lie and say I'm just as excited for another Moana attraction as I am for a Pokemon, Spongebob, or Luigi's Mansion land.
I'll get excited when it's all announced to be opening in 2026. Until then, it's basically a declaration that the parks will be back under surgery until the start of the new decade. Count me out for right now. Grumble Grumble and all that.