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General Movies & TV Thread

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3 episodes in, Clipped on FX keeps getting better. A scripted drama based on the LA Clippers owner who had racist remarks leaked in the middle of the team's first appearance in the playoffs, touches on racism, fame, sports and wealth in his country. Laurence Fishburne is great as Doc Rivers, the heart of the show, and Ed "Al Bundy" O'Neil is unrecognizable for at least half of the premiere as Donald Sterling. On a par with American Crime Story, well worth a watch.
With the roadmap for Marvel Studios uncertain on dates for 2026 + beyond; makes sense to dive into things for the roadmap from 2026 to 2028 (like the Marvel Phase 3 rollout that was announced in 2014).
If Marvel is going to announce part of the slate post Secret Wars, I am going to guess one of the films for 2027 post SW or 2028 will be Thor 5.