So who has been on the ride? I'm not talking about watching a video, I'm saying who's been on it? What are your thoughts?
It was actually much better than I was expecting.
Rocket Raccoon animatronic is really fun to watch over and over again. His drawings are great.
Queue is pretty great with the exception of the old boiler room. Set dressing is fine for the most part, but lazy green strands of lights hanging from the ceiling give it an overlay kinda vibe.
The ride itself is low on actual written jokes, it's mostly visual humor. This is a good thing to me, I won't be groaning at terrible one-liners 10 years down the line.
People will be finding easter eggs hidden in this ride for years to come.
Much more intense than ToT was. They are taking advantage of what you think you know about Tower of Terror and flipping it on its' head to surprise you. The ride is also almost twice as long as Tower.
The story makes more sense than I thought it would and is actually very well thought out. Rocket's job is to cut the power to the fortress... even at a great distance, the ride begins to lay hints as to how important the power is with nice lighting effects that pulse and flash.
The sound mixing seemed like it needed a little tweaking. There's music, screaming, and air whooshing past you, and sometimes you can't hear what any of the characters are saying. Maybe boost the voices a bit? It wasn't always an issue, and I did ride during the special party when all the people were super loud and excited, as they should be.
I personally think the idea of including a ride in the Marvel movie universe is a cool idea, it's a new way to tell further stories. Someday we are going to see references to this ride within a movie or comic and I think that's going to be rad.
Overall I think it's just going to come down to which theme you like better, Twilight Zone or Guardians.
Here's my video I put together on my personal Youtube channel: