Bit late to this thread as not been around much recently, but hallelujah, finally something concrete to back up the long time rumours.
This thread seems to have been going for ever with no news, but kudos must go out to our resident insiders who called it way back.
Septembergate was right on the money too, albeit a year late

So with this announcement, 4th gate, hotels, transport and all that's happening down the road at Disney (heck, we may even get a polar coaster at this rate) the competition is really hotting up in Orlando, boom time indeed.
And not to be a negative Nancy and down play the positive thread I've just written, but, and it's just a small but, but a but non the less, we could probably have had a lot of these attractions already. If Disney had have pulled the trigger when they should have done, during or just after potter phase 1. We all called it and chatted about it whilst Disney sat on the laurels and rode the coat tails of past glories whilst charging us all more for less, much less sometimes. Disney thankfully woke up and smelt the dark stuff so maybe in the future we will pay more but get more :ears:
But, oh sorry slipped another but in :doh:, I like looking forward and with both Disney and uni upping the anti competition is well and truly back on with both sides launching massive Strikes, it's like watching a giant tennis match across the I4.
The next ten years should be awesome.