Basically how it worked is that Ben leaked the maze at the end of the March (He was hinting it and I warned him not to leak it or hint it) didn't listen so it leaked and it got to social media on Twitter and Facebook and articles about it and because of that HBO saw that and didn't like that and pulled out.
Which is funny because if you look at the timeline it's he leaked Ghostbusters (End of March) > He puts out a apology about how he is done leaking stuff (In Mid April) Which is out of the ordinary for him considering last year he was trying to leak my info that I told him personally (And HHN Photos of inside the Mazes) and take info that I told him not to tell anyone and put it as his own (Including
@Legacy as well) so something must have happened.
So what I'm trying to say is that thanks to Ben we won't be having Game of Thrones this year.