It's funny that Murdy is against Gremlins since obviously it would have to be mainly puppets, yet we've still had Chucky executed with live actors for several years already.
Maybe full suit Gremlins are more expensive than full suit Chuckies? IDK.
I wonder if they were to ever bring Child's Play back and actually have Chucky's scares come from actual puppets. A puppeteering heavy maze of the sort would be interesting especially with that IP.
Poltergeist felt like the first step towards a more "puppet" focused maze. That maze had tons of actors, but I feel like there were more blackout-scares than any other maze previously. The Chucky maze could pretty much be the Krampus attic for an entire maze, recycling gags like the bear jumping out of the box (Chucky out of a good guy box), the angel leaping down from the rafters (Chucky on top of the stairs in Child's Play 2), or the robot on the actor's back (Chucky attacking Kyle). They could also do some new gags, like have the school closet full of clothes and have Chucky "leap out" from behind the clothes (blackout actor manipulating him from behind).
They could even do the Poltergeist coffin gag, just with the Chuckies in the Good-guy boxes at the factory at the end. That'd be fun. What would be really cool is if they actually varied the height that Chucky attacked you from, like some Chuckies come from face-level, but some jump from boxes above and come out of boxes from below. That'd be an awesome twist to the formula.
Do you think they may do something small for him, given that the remake is coming out in June?
It definitely seems like prime-time to strike the iron.
Not counting his appearances in House of Horrors (or Remix), and you have him for the most part (outside of 2010 and 2009) being not exactly as used as a cow singing all-star.
I think there is, room for something larger with the doll. And it would make sense, as he does bring in money, regardless of what we have to say.
^ditto. Folks love Chucky. I was actually surprised; I was talking to a bunch of Chinese transfer students about horror, and their eyes kinda glazed over when I showed them Freddy and Michael. When I got to Chucky, though, they almost burst out of their seat and said "Oh hey! I know that guy!"
(EDIT: Now that I think about it, that might be because of Ready Player One more than anything lol)
It's bizarre. I feel like, while most people recognize Jason or Freddy, they
think more about Chucky, just because the idea is so scary. "Your doll is alive and will murder you and no-one will believe you" just feels more terrifying than "this big guy will kill you if you go to sleep / go to summer camp" I guess.