Some of your choices are interesting to me. But that my friend is why there is vanilla and why there is chocolate.
I liked Legendary Truth but the more I went through it the more I didn't. I would say it falls somewhere below the bottom of my list now, but not in the bottom 5.
I will say vandalism took a heavy toll on LT as the event went on. A lot of little details present the first two weeks were gone by late October. The Nightmare on Elm Street house was similar--early on it was good, but eventually too much of it just always looked destroyed. [Was still a good house, overall.]
I really liked Interstellar Terror. I thought it was intense and fun.
Just didn't gel for me. Not sure why it's easier for me to suspend disbelief that I'm in an old castle or house rather than a futuristic spaceship, but that's what it came down to, I think.
Was Terror Mines worse to you than People Under the Stairs? I personally didn't get to go in PUTS in '06, but I know a lot of people disliked it.
I have to ask just because I remember me detesting it so much, and still not liking it.
PUTS is kind of my weakness. In college, we had a "movie channel" that was basically just five VCRs set up in the AV department. For whatever reason--probably someone in the department liked it--PUTS played in heavy rotation. (I also saw
New Jack City more times than I want to admit, to give you an idea of the era.) You watch a movie drunk with your buddies enough, it becomes a MST 3000-like guilty pleasure.
You can imagine my surprise over a decade later when that obscure B-movie was suddenly a house. No one else had even heard of it, let alone seen it. So nostalgia clouded my view of what was a thrown-together PoS.
Also, Terror Mines was touted in the early promos as a contender for house of the year. Much like the Bloody Mary house, I took into account disappointment with houses that felt like they should have been better.
Vampyr '07, not on your bottom at all? Thoughts on Vampyr '07?
If this is the one I'm thinking of, I remember thinking HoS did a better job with the "club" theme, definitely found it below average and fairly short as i remeber, but not to the point I hated it. The part where you went outside into the alley briefly made it slightly more interesting.