I mainly read the posts, rarely opine. I love this event. Living in Connecticut, it is a vacation to go down. A friend went For 16 and raved about it. I have gone ever since. Spoiled... stay in the park, and this year we had agreed NOT to go early in the year. That was until they announced Silent Hill. My wife was the one to start prodding me, this was NOT in vacation plans for the year. I'm a young 42 and LOVE Silent Hill. So needless to say we booked a short three day trip down to this years event! Rush of Fear pass was ideal for us (last weekend of september and feel we won't have to invest in an express pass like we always do). Been to opening weekend and it was real hot and honestly so far off from Halloween, but cost wise this was going to have to do. I am more than happy to see an Alice Cooper House, I really think this could be cool. The Walking Dead I'll give a shot, but the Zombie thing has been rehashed. One of our trips is to Vegas and last year was hoping for a Vegas Themed house, a P&T house can have Vegas Roots and can be interesting. I'm disappointed only 7 houses (understand why), but now I think the Scare Zones better be much better than years past. Fractured Tales, Skoolhouse and Asylum in Wonderland I thought were great for HHN 18 and I wish we can get some solid zones in that light. And finally on the topic just started about critiquing the event, it is an expensive event for out of staters to attend and you invest a LOT of money in a short amount of time with flight, hotel, tickets (express) and food and drink. This year being minus a house, the site not being as intriguing as past years (fun or suspenseful), the lack of an ICON or theme (yet) it makes one think long and hard before investing or once you did to hope that investment is full Filled!! Last year I thought the houses were real good and the Thing (like Wolfman) were Promo's to me and Wolfman turned out to be our favorite house. If I had any reservations on the event... I would skip. I think (and man do I HOPE!) that we will get seven immersive houses. I hope for the event that the Scare Zones improve, I have given up totally on Bill and Ted's, it just keeps getting worse.