From what i've seen and experienced, the best possible touring plan for the event you can do is to hit FvJ first, then hit all the soundstage houses in a row. A good TP should look like this:
FvJ > Body Collectors > M&M > AWIL > Wonderland 3D
That's a good first half and you should get it done pretty quickly. If interested after Wonderland, go check out Carnage, if not, check the wait times for Purge and TWD. If they're more than you're willing to wait, take a break/eat. If not, knock them out and then eat. If you haven't done Purge/TWD after you've finished with your break/snacking, go do those, do RUN real quick and then hit the one of the late B&T shows. A seat where you can quickly get out is ideal in this case as you may be limited on time and if you can beat the crowds out, the Insidious line will be pretty low at this point in the night.
If you still have any time left after that, go back and hit up M&M or FvJ one more time before leaving (if you'd like).
That's at least how I did it after messing up on my first night and I had plenty of success with it. No matter what you do imo, FvJ and Insidious need to be your first and last houses whether you do FvJ first or Insidious first and finish with FvJ. They are the houses getting the biggest waits so you want to hit them when they are a bit slower, which is beginning and end of night.