So, admittedly, I only attended Cast Preview, but I have neither the money or care to return. Jack's show, Body Collectors, Freddy/Jason, Walking Dead, Asylum in Wonderland, The Purge, American Werewolf, Etc.... This year's theme should have been Cannibalism because they literally just cannibalized every thing they could from 2007 on. I get reusing props and sets and having throwbacks, not to mention its practicality, but when the ENTIRE event is a rehash? I'm sure they are saving money for something big and exciting, but it resulted in this year being one big yawn. I can say the Scaractors were on point, and Run was pretty hilarious (looking at you, Canada). I didn't have time for Bill and Ted, but that show is pretty much the epitome of what was wrong with the whole 2015 event. Do something fresh. I know there will be varying opinions, and I respect that (and am not looking to quarrel). But for me, this year was a miss.
That Dufftoberfest, though...