This post makes almost no sense to me. You say Universal needs to do something new and then go on to say they should look at what Singapore is doing because it is old school.
Also, lol at Howl o Scream being more popular than HHN. A lot of HHN related discussion these days are about the overcrowding and the all time high in popularity. I don't think that is a problem for Universal at all.
I wish we could stop with this notion of once something is done before it should never be re-imagined again. Sure we don't want a TWD situation year after year, but Freddy and Leatherface have only been done once and that was nearly 10 years ago. Icons and original characters like Jack give you lots of possibilities for new things too. Based on the list we got, I'm down with 4 IP and 4 originals houses with the IPs being Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, AHS and Hitchcock. One of the original houses can be Jack's and I'm not against maybe another icon getting one. A new show to replace Rocky Horror is a must as well.