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Halloween Horror Nights 26 Discussion

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I hope there is a 3D house this year. Loved Alice last year.

Possible but I doubt it. During my Unmasking tour last year, they said the creative team doesn't want to do 3D every year so when they do use it, it feels special and different. They felt like they could pull off Alice in a 3D setting and new technology allowed them to make it the best 3D house they had done. Alice was very well done last year and doing another 3D house right after it means it has big shoes to fill. It was also the first time they had done 3D since HHN 22 so it felt fresh and new.

So, while it's possible, I don't think we will see 3D until 28 at the earliest.
Possible but I doubt it. During my Unmasking tour last year, they said the creative team doesn't want to do 3D every year so when they do use it, it feels special and different. They felt like they could pull off Alice in a 3D setting and new technology allowed them to make it the best 3D house they had done. Alice was very well done last year and doing another 3D house right after it means it has big shoes to fill. It was also the first time they had done 3D since HHN 22 so it felt fresh and new.

So, while it's possible, I don't think we will see 3D until 28 at the earliest.
HHN 23 had 3D
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HHN 23 had 3D

Correct me if i'm wrong, but did 21 have 3D or no..? Because to me; I think 3D should be a thing that should be only used if they really need it.

Chance is a character for this year to where you can still use the bending of her mind but not use the 3D in very strategic way's that could make someone doubt their surroundings in a sense.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but did 21 have 3D or no..? Because to me; I think 3D should be a thing that should be only used if they really need it.

Chance is a character for this year to where you can still use the bending of her mind but not use the 3D in very strategic way's that could make someone doubt their surroundings in a sense.
Yes 21 had 3D. In fact out of the past 5 years only 24 didn't have 3D. I do agree though it should only be used where it makes sense. I don't think there is or should be a mandate to have a 3D house every year. Alice last year was great! I think having 3D helped in the Shrek building to hide the Shrek elements since the 3D relies on lighting, all the sets were bright and most of the existing Shrek stuff was too dark to see.
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Only problem about flipping it is you lose a lot of queue space.

Thought about that to but there is some "backstage" space they could use near the Transformers Meet and Greet area. Feel like they could also start the queue where Shrek's entrance is and rework it a bit so we go the opposite way we went last year. Can even use most of the line space that was use last year near the entrance minus one section that would be used for the exit. They figured it out last year so I'm sure they could flip it around this year. Heck, they could even put the vortex tunnel in the same spot so the last room we walk through would be the tunnel messing with peoples minds, just like how messed up her's is and when we exit the tunnel and enter the Hollywood SZ, we are in her mind.
I don't see any reason to flip it. If it is indeed Chance's house and the scare zone is Hollywood with the show where it was last year it would create a great flow. Scare zone leads to show, show leads to house.
Thought about that to but there is some "backstage" space they could use near the Transformers Meet and Greet area. Feel like they could also start the queue where Shrek's entrance is and rework it a bit so we go the opposite way we went last year. Can even use most of the line space that was use last year near the entrance minus one section that would be used for the exit. They figured it out last year so I'm sure they could flip it around this year. Heck, they could even put the vortex tunnel in the same spot so the last room we walk through would be the tunnel messing with peoples minds, just like how messed up her's is and when we exit the tunnel and enter the Hollywood SZ, we are in her mind.
Last thing they want or need is another house entrance of the main drag. With it being the only house that isn't on the exterior border of the park they have to use the space they have more judiciously. It also forces people to go into a spot of the park that would be otherwise dead helping spread out people. It also has the benefit that the lines build for it slower since it is in a weirder spot so you can easily walk on after hitting a few other houses first. Plus if you enter the house into the preshow room first then you don't have the vertical clearance to have a facade inside.
Last thing they want or need is another house entrance of the main drag. With it being the only house that isn't on the exterior border of the park they have to use the space they have more judiciously. It also forces people to go into a spot of the park that would be otherwise dead helping spread out people. It also has the benefit that the lines build for it slower since it is in a weirder spot so you can easily walk on after hitting a few other houses first. Plus if you enter the house into the preshow room first then you don't have the vertical clearance to have a facade inside.

All good points with the facade being the best one. Have to have a facade for the house.
Possible but I doubt it. During my Unmasking tour last year, they said the creative team doesn't want to do 3D every year so when they do use it, it feels special and different. They felt like they could pull off Alice in a 3D setting and new technology allowed them to make it the best 3D house they had done. Alice was very well done last year and doing another 3D house right after it means it has big shoes to fill. It was also the first time they had done 3D since HHN 22 so it felt fresh and new.

So, while it's possible, I don't think we will see 3D until 28 at the earliest.

I guess I'm in the minority but I really didn't like Alice. I know house preferences are opinion based so not everyone is the same, but my opinions have more or less followed everyone else's on the forums' except for this one.
I guess I'm in the minority but I really didn't like Alice. I know house preferences are opinion based so not everyone is the same, but my opinions have more or less followed everyone else's on the forums' except for this one.
I think the difference is that Alice was more "fun house" than haunt. So if you were looking at it as a haunt or you're not a fan of fun houses than I could see having an unfavorable opinion of it. I think also the reason it was received well is because 3D works much better this way. 3D just doesn't really lend itself well to scary attractions.
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TBH, I believe you said something with The Expected being within Shrek and how we could react to it (or it's something else, but I can be wrong).

I want Chance's house to be in a soundstage, but that's just me.

I hope The Expected is TWD and forcing into Shrek would be so funny!

I agree with you on Chance though. While I like how it would flow really well if Chance was in Shrek and Hollywood was her SZ and her stage show, giving her a SS treatment would be ideal. Heck, it's been tossed around that maybe Chance is not getting a stage show and we are getting a different show on that stage. They could make the New York area Chances zone and build her a nice stage where the Purge bus stage was and have the actress pick on people verbally. Then have her house where Body Collectors was last year and we would have that whole section of the park totally Chance themed. Either way, I don't think she is getting a tent.

I consider Shrek a SS house that just has some funky elevation issues they have to work with. Alice proved a fairly decent size house can be built in that space. Alice felt a little short, but a lot of the rooms were really large so they could make them smaller and make it feel like a larger house just because of the number of rooms.
I think it's nice to get a year off from a 3D house. Alice was cool last year but pales in comparison to The In-Between. Take a year off so A&D can hone their 3D skills and make In-Between 2 or a general upgrade to what that house delivered.

Today I realized how close it is to opening night. Already getting butterflies in my stomach.

Feel sorry for all the people that don't get to attend.

I'm not sharing what else I've heard.
No! You're kidding!
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In an update..as I can say best; it seems too complicated, even for RTU.
Maybe. It looks like they may elevate the lighting control with possible two spots on a central tower.

Crazy theory, there's some sort of rigging that runs over the crowd (zip-line, possibly).
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Maybe. It looks like they may elevate the lighting control with possible two spots on a central tower.

Crazy theory, there's some sort of rigging that runs over the crowd (zip-line, possibly).
That's a really neat idea! However having personally watched scaffolding like that come down in wind I'm not sure putting tension on it to support something like would work.