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Halloween Horror Nights 31 (UOR) - Speculation & Rumors

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I respect where Neo is coming from, but really appreciate this sentiment. I also believe it to be a positive reflection of the fandom and effort that goes into the event. It’s the small details, and attention to detail that keeps me coming back for consecutive nights every year. That something so obscure can become the object of affection is a testament to the love that is put into these houses.

Love is better than hate. As dumb as that sounds, imagine that instead of love, imagine that people Hated lil boo and hated the other pumpkins.
Imagine that there were pages on Twitter and Reddit hating lil boo. Or hating something else
Which one do you the the universal teams prefer?

I'm old enough to remember the Fear and lady luck hate ... I seriously seriously doubt anyone feels insulted by the lil boo love. I can't imagine anyone being insulted over fan love. Maybe lil boo is getting more attention than other props or elements of the event.
But I also remember the overly negative reaction to the Chance house. The mockery. The bad reviews. I seriously think the lil boo love is probably welcomed more than that.
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I'm old enough to remember the Fear and lady luck hate

But I also remember the overly negative reaction to the Chance house. The mockery. The bad reviews.
I was there... oh godz I'm old... however, I was one of the few that actually liked BOTH Fear & Lady Luck. Did they get the shaft compared to other icons? Definitely. Were they flawed? Oh hell yes.

Speaking of getting the shaft.. Chance was just poorly handled every which way, SZ & house included. Unfortunately, in Chance's case, she had the unfortunate timing of being in the IP era.

As for Lil Boo... honestly, after 2+ years of apocalyptic torture, let the fans cling to this icon of Halloween. Think of him as Gizmo, while The Pumpkin Lord represents a Gremlin :lol:
This popped into my head while at work.... but hear me out...

Lil Boo Popcorn Bucket :pumpkin:

Actually I want them to emulate the old McDonalds Happy Meal trick or treat buckets. That'd be awesome.

OMG this is genius

late 2000s and 2010s HHN was all about IPs and gritty reality, it emulated the culture around us. now with new creative team i'm hoping they lean into spinning classic halloween tales with universal twists as the "main" HHN thing. doesn't mean every year we'll have this same aesthetic and lil boo and such, but I like the ideas on display this year.
late 2000s and 2010s HHN was all about IPs and gritty reality, it emulated the culture around us. now with new creative team i'm hoping they lean into spinning classic halloween tales with universal twists as the "main" HHN thing. doesn't mean every year we'll have this same aesthetic and lil boo and such, but I like the ideas on display this year.
The interconnected zones and aesthetic are a win for me
late 2000s and 2010s HHN was all about IPs and gritty reality, it emulated the culture around us. now with new creative team i'm hoping they lean into spinning classic halloween tales with universal twists as the "main" HHN thing. doesn't mean every year we'll have this same aesthetic and lil boo and such, but I like the ideas on display this year.
Charles has always displayed a knack for presenting “traditional” haunt ideas (Scarecrows, Dolls, Ghosts, etc) in extremely compelling, narratively consistent ways. Now that the event is, ostensibly, “his,” where seeing what that particular ability and passion can produce.
I was there... oh godz I'm old... however, I was one of the few that actually liked BOTH Fear & Lady Luck. Did they get the shaft compared to other icons? Definitely. Were they flawed? Oh hell yes.

Speaking of getting the shaft.. Chance was just poorly handled every which way, SZ & house included. Unfortunately, in Chance's case, she had the unfortunate timing of being in the IP era.

As for Lil Boo... honestly, after 2+ years of apocalyptic torture, let the fans cling to this icon of Halloween. Think of him as Gizmo, while The Pumpkin Lord represents a Gremlin :lol:

I can get why people don’t like characters lacking personality (it’s a reason I don’t care much for the Terra Queen) but I dont get why fans considered it a downgrade regarding Fear. He’s the devil of HHN, he’s Chernabog. And his design is probably the best and scariest of the icons. What more do they need? It’s the retcon that the Previous icons (save mary) were actually his play toys all along that bugs me.

I’ll probably go more into this in the Icons thread but I think Lady Luck is the icon who got screwed over the most. I don’t think the IP era was the problem for Chance, Jack worked good for audiences the year previous. It’s just Harley Quinn was never meant to be a “serious“ villain. And frankly every icon should have had a show.
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I can get why people don’t like characters lacking personality (it’s a reason I don’t care much for the Terra Queen) but I dont get why fans considered it a downgrade regarding Fear.
2005 Terra Queen had immense personality, along with oozing power, fear & sex appeal. 2021 was NOT the Terra Queen, that was an abomination ordered from Wish.

And FEAR was never meant to be 2010's icon, which is why it was a downgrade. Everything revolved around Cindy. But she got scrapped & FEAR was shoehorned into the event theme.
I can get why people don’t like characters lacking personality (it’s a reason I don’t care much for the Terra Queen) but I dont get why fans considered it a downgrade regarding Fear. He’s the devil of HHN, he’s Chernabog. And his design is probably the best and scariest of the icons. What more do they need? It’s the retcon that the Previous icons (save mary) were actually his play toys all along that bugs me.

I’ll probably go more into this in the Icons thread but I think Lady Luck is the icon who got screwed over the most. I don’t think the IP era was the problem for Chance, Jack worked good for audiences the year previous. It’s just Harley Quinn was never meant to be a “serious“ villain. And frankly every icon should have had a show.

I didn't like Fear because he looked like he had a potato for a head. His entire body and arms should have been made out of branches.
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His entire body and arms should have been made out of branches.
They technically were in a weird way. It was more like roots. (I am root! errr Fear! Ohh... "Root Fear"). Anyway, he was slightly & loosely stylized after the original "Halloween Tree" Cindy concept. Hence the wooden icon totems. Again it was all thrown together last minute
Fear was a cool idea in concept, disappointing in execution. It sounds like the last minute pivot was the main reason we actually didn’t see much of him in the park (or the anniversary house).

But let’s get back on topic. Very curious how the traffic flow will work for the Sting Alley food booth.
Fear was a cool idea in concept, disappointing in execution. It sounds like the last minute pivot was the main reason we actually didn’t see much of him in the park (or the anniversary house).

But let’s get back on topic. Very curious how the traffic flow will work for the Sting Alley food booth.
Speaking of, when I went yesterday, a bit more was setup. 100% a food booth, sink and an oven have been installed, and they're setting up a menu at the entrance of the alley.

Also, to avoid double-posting, apparently the Halloween facade got leaked. Beware of where you look.
My eyesight is awful lol, I think it says “N 80th Ave” which…it’s been a while since my last NYC visit, but it may be meant to loosely represent the 80th Street station? 80th Ave in Queens is near a bunch of cemeteries iirc, which is a fun little irl detail.

Always hyped to see any houses that are meant to take place in my home state :)
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