So last night, Drew and I decided to ride the Simpsons, since Drew hasn't done it in a while. Midway through the ride, the vehicle just completely stops motion, slamming us pretty hard against the seatbacking. We were stuck in that position for the remainder of the ride and had to be manually lowered by a tech after the ride ended.
As we finally lower and start to get out, the TM just says "Thanks for riding, bye!" and begins to have a convo with a ride tech in front of all us asking about the problem and if they were expecting it.
We all eventually exit the ride area and continue on to the exit before he finally reads the room and says "Hey, wait! Do ya'll wanna ride again?". The group collectively says no to which he responded "Oh, the ride didn't break down? OK cool!"
I respond - "No, we did. We stopped pretty hard and abruptly."
"Ohhhh, ok. Sorry about that.", he says.
At that point, Drew and I walked away while he still had a convo with a couple other guests saying to ourselves, "Yeah, we're good with riding this for a bit."