Now that I’m a grumpy old man (27) I selfishly wish that HHN were an 18+ or 21+ event. After all of the talk in here about drunken belligerent guests, the only problems I’ve run into this year come from the high school youngins - fist fighting, arrests, and line cutting. I get that it’s probably their first time away from mommy after dark, but man... kids these days :look:
I don't know on this. Sure, I have seen kids being kids and I may not like it, but who am I to judge their fun? But, I am talking more like the way folks see certain tour groups....when it comes to folks just being drunk, the issues I have seen have been folks older than you, I have not seen it often, but the times I saw it, it was older folks being stupid.
I mean it is what it is. There are more kids every year. Eventually if the demographic attending changes, the event will change with it. I wouldn’t say it’s “on the parents” many kids enjoy the event quite a bit there’s nothing wrong with that. Certainly it makes me mad when they come and complain about the adult nature of the event. HHN is no more an adult event though than F&W. Universal even gets real specific on this subject in the surveys at the park exit. It’s obviously something they’re interested in following.
Yes, it should be on the parents, and we are bad I imagine. But, I've never expected the event to change for us, nor do I expect other guest to walk on egg shells or anything.
I believe my daughter was 6 when we started visiting UOR as a family. We went to 22 and 23 without or daughter, but, when she was six and we went to the Make up show, she stayed after the show, talking to the host, asking cool questions....asking to feel some of the those first two years, we talked to families we saw at the event who had kids around her age, many of them were local and the kids had been going each year, starting younger than our daughter would start.
We went to local haunts to she how she did there...and she has been going since 24, she has fun, knows it is make believe. I think she handles the event well.
Now, if we are talking about 'drunks' and their behavior, well, she has a few uncles. Anyway, for the 'general frat party feel', we never lasted long at food and wine due to feel of the event (we tried two times that happened to be on a weekend, we did enjoy the event on weekdays), but she was younger and that was long ago.
Anyway, not sure why I quoted the two post I for the event getting younger, I thought they stepped the scares up a step this year...but, I swear I saw an RIP tour where I swear it was all girls between ages 12 and 16, but I have always seen 'kids' at HHN over the past six years.