Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 198 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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Well, it still feels like summer in Florida and will until around October 15.

I grew up in Washington State. Summer is July 4-August 1. On a good year. :tongue:
Now I live in Texas. Summer is Feb-April. May-October is :angry: ..I have yet to experience a Texas winter. I heard they have them, but I still think it's a myth
I am a theme park fan. They just make me happy. Oddly I don't think my husband and son enjoy them as much as daughter and I do. She is a thrill ride junky. Loves the rush of a good coaster.
Last year my son and husband makes jokes about never seeing me move as fast as when I was shuffle jogging to Forbidden Journey. Lots of jokes about using rides as a carrot to make me run faster.

I am also the theme park lover in the family. My husband likes them, but not nearly as much as me. He has a limit of how long he can be there and how much he goes, me on the other hand not so much. Both my daughters love them, but they are a little too young to determine how much of a fan they will be. My 5 year old LOVES coasters though. She could go on them over and over and over again. But she is not tall enough for the big coasters, so we will see how it goes once she is. Right now she is tall enough for Space Mountain and she has determined it is her most favorite ride ever.
I am also the theme park lover in the family. My husband likes them, but not nearly as much as me. He has a limit of how long he can be there and how much he goes, me on the other hand not so much. Both my daughters love them, but they are a little too young to determine how much of a fan they will be. My 5 year old LOVES coasters though. She could go on them over and over and over again. But she is not tall enough for the big coasters, so we will see how it goes once she is. Right now she is tall enough for Space Mountain and she has determined it is her most favorite ride ever.

My daughter went on California Screaming at 4, she was VERY tall for her age. The kid just loves coasters, and is really bummed that Hulk doesn't look promising for our visit this year.
I'm eager to try the new less headache inducing Hulk. Last year I skipped it after my first migraine triggering ride two years before.
My daughter went on California Screaming at 4, she was VERY tall for her age. The kid just loves coasters, and is really bummed that Hulk doesn't look promising for our visit this year.
I'm eager to try the new less headache inducing Hulk. Last year I skipped it after my first migraine triggering ride two years before.
My brother wouldn't ride Hulk because of all the head banging against the head rest. Now that the new cars look more like Goliath at Six Flags over Georgia (which we both love) he is willing to try it again.
My daughter went on California Screaming at 4, she was VERY tall for her age. The kid just loves coasters, and is really bummed that Hulk doesn't look promising for our visit this year.
I'm eager to try the new less headache inducing Hulk. Last year I skipped it after my first migraine triggering ride two years before.

Wow, your child was tall!!! My daughter and her friend are one of the tallest kids in their class and her friend is just now 48" at age 5. There is one boy taller than them, but I don't think he was 48 until age 5 either.
Wow, your child was tall!!! My daughter and her friend are one of the tallest kids in their class and her friend is just now 48" at age 5. There is one boy taller than them, but I don't think he was 48 until age 5 either.

She got tall early. Her first visit to Disney was a month before turning 3. The only ride she couldn't go on was that roller coaster. She threw an EPIC fit when she didn't measure up.
Her love of rollercoasters started early. I am super curious what is going on with the inside of Hulk. I don't remember the original area being that interesting at all.
September 1st. Well my last day there is the 30th. Whether that is even a legit date or not, I'm sure soft openings will be in full force that week. I hope at least. I wasn't really following the thread that much anymore, but before today, wasn't Kong pretty much running at all times? Would be quite the punch in the gut if I miss out on riding
My heart sank seeing the new opening date of September 1st. If it keeps being put back I'll miss it when I get there in mid September :(
She got tall early. Her first visit to Disney was a month before turning 3. The only ride she couldn't go on was that roller coaster. She threw an EPIC fit when she didn't measure up.
Her love of rollercoasters started early. I am super curious what is going on with the inside of Hulk. I don't remember the original area being that interesting at all.

Our daughters sound alike. She would see Barnstormer before she was tall enough to get on and point to it and say "Weeee...". So she finally was 35" at 2 1/4 years old and we took her on. She was all smiles and giggles the whole ride. We then a couple months later before she was 2 1/2 we took her to Uni when she was 36" (She grew very fast between 2 and 3 and went from her preemie 25% to 75% on the growth charts) and she got to ride those two coasters. Well we head into IOA and she points up to Hulk and goes "Abby Go". It was the funniest thing ever. She was born a coaster freak. I have a feeling my one year old is going to be the same way. We take her on all the stuff at Sea World since she has been able to walk and she loves all of it. Other parents can't believe she gets onto the frogger like one because she sits by herself with the huge over the shoulder restraint. But she loves it and giggles the whole time. She also loves to be flipped upside down and be swung around while upside down. So I imagine she will love coasters too, or at least I hope she does!!!
Our daughters sound alike. She would see Barnstormer before she was tall enough to get on and point to it and say "Weeee...". So she finally was 35" at 2 1/4 years old and we took her on. She was all smiles and giggles the whole ride. We then a couple months later before she was 2 1/2 we took her to Uni when she was 36" (She grew very fast between 2 and 3 and went from her preemie 25% to 75% on the growth charts) and she got to ride those two coasters. Well we head into IOA and she points up to Hulk and goes "Abby Go". It was the funniest thing ever. She was born a coaster freak. I have a feeling my one year old is going to be the same way. We take her on all the stuff at Sea World since she has been able to walk and she loves all of it. Other parents can't believe she gets onto the frogger like one because she sits by herself with the huge over the shoulder restraint. But she loves it and giggles the whole time. She also loves to be flipped upside down and be swung around while upside down. So I imagine she will love coasters too, or at least I hope she does!!!
I just told my wee princesses that Steel Phantom and Millinium Force were kiddie coasters and that they were all like that. Some even bigger.

And "The Shining" is a children's book.
I just told my wee princesses that Steel Phantom and Millinium Force were kiddie coasters and that they were all like that. Some even bigger.

And "The Shining" is a children's book.
If Steel Phantom, or it's succesor Phantom's Revenge, were at Universal, it would have two hour lines all day.
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