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Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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It has always seemed to me that Universal is very cautious with ride safety. The lockers that drive people crazy, metal detectors, size limits on rides, those all seem like safety issues.

I think they're completely overkill with the safety but I think after the incidents at DC, their official motto is never again.
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^ Universal is overkill on safety long before the DC injuries. If you recall, I told you all that Uni is way more hyper about ride safety than Disney.

I think Universal rides seem like you have more potential to hurt yourself than you do at Disney. Not that they seem unsafe but because they're bigger, faster and more intense.
^ Universal is overkill on safety long before the DC injuries. If you recall, I told you all that Uni is way more hyper about ride safety than Disney.

I got that impression on our very first visit. Disney is very lucky that no major accidents have happened with their lax safety with rides.
They have lax safety because they have lax thrills.

I know they changed the restraints in Florida on the TT, but back in 2005 my daughter about flew out of the seat. The problem was weight. She was so light, the bar did not hold her in place at all. I ended up holding on to her in a bear hug. The jellyfish ride in California Adventure had a broken restraint, freaked my son out cause it goes UP, and he was a nervous nelly to begin with. I told the staff after he got off, even walked them over to show them it was broken. Saw them continue to load the ride.
I find it amazing that you're not strapped into Splash Mountain.

they are now, or I think there is a bar. People actually jumped out of the boat, so they added a bar. I understand in theory that no restraint is needed for the drop, but I still worried a bit about my featherweight daughter flying out.
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they are now, or I think there is a bar. People actually jumped out of the boat, so they added a bar. I understand in theory that no restraint is needed for the drop, but I still worried a bit about my featherweight daughter flying out.

I looked at pictures before I posted but they must have been old. My mistake.
Back in the day when I was in highschool and would go to the park the rides still dueled. I remember hearing punk kids saying they would fling pennies at the dueling car and I even witnessed this happening. I wouldnt be surprised if it was one of those jack-asses

That's the public for you. It's like people throwing pennies off the Empire State Building, it's been proved that it won't kill somebody but people don't know that and still try.
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I got that impression on our very first visit. Disney is very lucky that no major accidents have happened with their lax safety with rides.
What do you consider a major accident? I would think a coaster derailing and killing a passenger would qualify.
I had a strange thing happen to me today at Seaworld on Kraken, just as the train rolled out of the station (I was in the front row) my restraint partially unlatched, I immediately pushed down on it and it clicked in again, and it all happened very fast ... I don't think the restraint got fully unlatched but just somehow 'lost a click'. I told an attendant afterwards and saw her on the phone to the control booth, ride kept on running, so probably was just a freaky isolated thing.
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