Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 199 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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I had my god daughters at Mission Space believing we were going on a three month trip to Mars.

My daughter is so not like that. I have a hard time tricking her at the age of 5. You should have seen her at Animal Actors. She got picked and at one point they do this fake dead thing and my daughter was laughing. The lady said, "Are you laughing at my dead dog?" and my daughter goes, "He is not really dead". She is also entering in the afraid of everything phase. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Yesterday she said she was afraid of trees. Sigh....
No opening date has been set, only rumors of August. Anything anyone posts about opening dates is speculation.
We'll I sure hope it's not. I was one of the ones in early 2016 who went ahead and requested a mid June vacation thinking everything would be in full swing for the summer crowds, I was wrong.. now I've set for Sept 12 and I will be pissed if hulk is not open.
My daughter is so not like that. I have a hard time tricking her at the age of 5. You should have seen her at Animal Actors. She got picked and at one point they do this fake dead thing and my daughter was laughing. The lady said, "Are you laughing at my dead dog?" and my daughter goes, "He is not really dead". She is also entering in the afraid of everything phase. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Yesterday she said she was afraid of trees. Sigh....

My son is a nervous nelly. Needy baby greedy baby. Afraid of grass, trees, rollercoasters, and water rides. We finally got him on dragon challenge by guilt last year. His little sister wanted to ride, and we won't let her go alone, she has no sense of fear of ANYTHING. 16 years old, and I want to put a leash on her.
Oddly he loves Hulk, I think the restraints make him feel safe.
The July 22 reopening date was one that we scraped from Uni's internal calendar months ago, but it has been replaced with a new 8/31 placeholder (which will also probably change).
Hulk has had months of cycling. Is there anything else left to be done around the track or we just waiting on the interior to be finished?
Hulk has had months of cycling. Is there anything else left to be done around the track or we just waiting on the interior to be finished?
Safety safety safety.

They have been testing a lot though. Hope everything is running smoothly.

Looks to me like just some queue/lighting/interior changes still happening besides testing. I'm sure lots of work is being done to ensure the new launch tunnel effects are syncing well with the train launch, sounds/voices, and music. That could be part of the reason they continue to send empty trains out all day.
I'm sure lots of work is being done to ensure the new launch tunnel effects are syncing well with the train launch, sounds/voices, and music. That could be part of the reason they continue to send empty trains out all day.

This ^^^

My guess is that since the water dummies are no longer being used, the safety has been checked. Now its getting all of the practical effects timed right, including the onboard audio and most importantly the launch!
I think people are hitting the nail on the head. They are testing timing now while also finishing the queue. If I had to guess I would say early August for softs.