Injury on ET Adventure? | Page 7 | Inside Universal Forums

Injury on ET Adventure?

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Having a wait time of 30-45 minutes for ET is pretty ridiculous. It’s the one ride I go on when the park is too busy and I don’t want to wait around. I would never wait more than 15 minutes for this and I imagine if this were any other ride, the waits would be even higher.
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Having a wait time of 30-45 minutes for ET is pretty ridiculous. It’s the one ride I go on when the park is too busy and I don’t want to wait around. I would never wait more than 15 minutes for this and I imagine if this were any other ride, the waits would be even higher.
I really hope they get capacity back up before spring break and Easter crowds. If it’s a 45 minute wait on a day when there is barely over 15,000 in the park, imagine what it’ll be on a day with 40K+ projections...:yikes:
Over on Alicia's ParkStop FB community group, one of the members found a company that sells an ET scented candle online. The scent is ET Forest. The company's web site is They also have scents for a number of Disney rides like Haunted Mansion, etc. Also, a Butterbeer scent....If you use promo code DisneyDan15, you get a 15% discount....Just ordered a candle myself.
Over on Alicia's ParkStop FB community group, one of the members found a company that sells an ET scented candle online. The scent is ET Forest. The company's web site is They also have scents for a number of Disney rides like Haunted Mansion, etc. Also, a Butterbeer scent....If you use promo code DisneyDan15, you get a 15% discount....Just ordered a candle myself.

They've also got the "Rome Burning" scent from Spaceship Earth!

I have a feeling I might be unable to resist making a purchase...
Over on Alicia's ParkStop FB community group, one of the members found a company that sells an ET scented candle online. The scent is ET Forest. The company's web site is They also have scents for a number of Disney rides like Haunted Mansion, etc. Also, a Butterbeer scent....If you use promo code DisneyDan15, you get a 15% discount....Just ordered a candle myself.
Just received this candle and had it lit for an hour. It's somewhat similar to ET's queue, but doesn't hit it completely. It's pine aspects aren't strong enough, and gets overpowered by the other scents it contains...... The 2017 Holiday Special Pine Yankee Candle is still the closest to the queue scent of ET. It wasn't in the holiday line up for 2018 though.
Just received this candle and had it lit for an hour. It's somewhat similar to ET's queue, but doesn't hit it completely. It's pine aspects aren't strong enough, and gets overpowered by the other scents it contains...... The 2017 Holiday Special Pine Yankee Candle is still the closest to the queue scent of ET. It wasn't in the holiday line up for 2018 though.
That's how I felt about their Flight of Passage candle. They're high quality candles, and I like the noise the wick makes, but they're not exactly what I want them to be. Check out the soap I posted in the group though, it's spot on. Only wish it was a candle though.
Can you say the ride was unreasonably dangerous if this was what I assume the first time this has ever happened?

It seems Universal does have an issue with not posting things in other languages though.

Nearly 30 years of operation is a long time to go and if this is the first time it’s happened, it’s a little ballsy to say it was a well known issue.

Langauage barrier aside, it should be common sense to not stick your leg out.

It’s a terrible situation to be in for both sides. I hope the boy recovers and this doesn’t put him off theme parks for life.
Though I don't think picking a handful of languages to be a solution, maybe make it more clear that maps and information pamphlets are available in many languages. Even with warning signs though there's a reasonable expectation of safety. I don't want to push it to ridiculous to have examples of clear cut cases, but there is a big gray area between them. Universal could be able to take steps to reduce the chances of something like this happening again without impacting capacity. Any update on logistics after they've opened up the other side?
With new information coming to light I am reopening the thread.

Lawsuit claims Brazilian boy's foot and leg were crushed on E.T. ride at Universal Orlando | Blogs

Please please please please keep the discussion factual and sympathetic. No matter who is at fault remember that a little boy's leg was crushed.

Some thoughts:

1. That's a curiously small amount of money being asking for. If I'm Universal, I'm reminded of a scene with J.K. Simmons at the end of the Coen Brothers' BURN AFTER READING: "Pay it." It's a couple hours' worth of Butterbeer sales.

2. The description of the ride and its "dangers" in the lawsuit is insane. IN. SANE. This notoriously, horrendously dangerous-to-the-public ride has put through millions of guests in its lifetime... and the number of injuries like this to date is... one. Get outta here with how dangerous it is, and how Universal has pulled one over on an unsuspecting public.